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Marijuana withdrawl rivals that of nicotine

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Tobacco smoking was extremely hard to quit.


And cannabis can be used to help quit tobacco!


Using patches/ chewys, is just putting more nicotine in the blood. Getting the nico out and surviving the vicious cravings is hard.


Cannabis doesn't give you vicious cravings ffs. Yes harder to sleep/ dreams, a little irritable for a week or so.

Nicotine, so hard to quit don't ever want to have to again..

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I used to smoke bags more than I do today. i'm a real lightweight these days. But when I was at my merriest peak, someone challenged me to stop smoking grass for 40 days. I thought it would be a breaze. I didn't last two consequitive days. After ten days I gave up, and went back to choofing, admitting I couldn't give up.


I was in a really turbid time in my life then, and these days I often go a couple days when I have run out of smoke and have to go without, with no hint of apprehension at all.


My wife gets pretty stroppy when we run out, but she was able to stop taking ant-depressants by timming her smoking better, so if it wasn't smoke, it'd be physcotropics. Point being, Kas has bad nerves, simple.


The upshot its I gave up ciggarettes nearly 20 years ago, and still crave nicotine when I smell it. I get so that I almost cave at times, still 20 years on, and a devout anti-tabbacco so and so and all.

Personally, if I never had pot again, it might be sad, but I know in 20 years I wouldn't be still fighting any cravings.

Who-ever says that nicotine cravings are comparable to quiting anything, I dare to wonder if they have been faced to confront a genuine nicotine withdrawal. I go through opiate withdrawals, and although opiates, and nicotine, both cold turkey , I'd rather face the nico, the opiates and nicotine are more equvelant to each other than grass and nicotine ever will be.


In my persponal experience at least.


My father smoked nico from around 12 or 13 years old until he was 60 odd, it took him all his will, lots of money, plenty of failures...but he's dieing of emphasemia, and even witht hat over his head he couldn't just stop. Finally he won, it was hard, I mean he was close to swapping many years of life for the nico habit.

Alternatively, those who have read about my father's battle with mental ilness know he had to surrender pot after around 30 odd years of near daily choofing. It was tough, took him around a year or failures and successes, but is now two years without pot. He craves both. But he craves the experience of being high, the overall scene, dark side of the moon, dark rooms and big fat joints, fresh bags of smelly buds and freinds all having a good time.

What he misses dayly about nico I believe is just a new day every day of facing the reality he could relaspse into something he doesn't want to do.


it's a big difference between fighting to stop doing somthing you want to do, and fighting to stop doing something you don't want to do. Worlds apart and the clown who wrote this comparrison between nico and buds has no idea at all what drives desires and actions.







As with nicotine withdrawal, quitting marijuana caused symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, sleep problems and difficulty concentrating, researchers found.


ISn't this what going without sex for a while feels like? (I wouldn't know, I don't do dirty things like that) ISn't it fair to say giving up anything you've become accustomed to rewarding your brain with will have some of these symptoms? Comparing them to what is probably the most addictive substance easily available on the plante is a long leap but.

I mean why not compare dieting from overeating tio loose weight with being as hard as giving up nico because similar symptoms can be experienced? It's the degree and intensity that makes the world of difference isnt it?

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these symptoms are exactly why i smoke MJ in first place.. take away my meds.. and sure i get irritable, anxious and sleeplessness.. .. but thats due my severe dislike for fuckwit people, which there seems to be no shortage of..



ss that is the truest shit i've seen for a long time, and is my exact reason for not giving it up... they are everywhere... i reckon at least 90 percent of the planet fits into the category of "FUCKWITS"

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Hey I just saw an add for nico-bate. I've noticed something they say before, but this threadmade it stand out all the clearer tonight.


They're discussing brain receptors craving nico, and they tell sus that Nico_bate helps withdrawal by you not taking in cigarettes, while nico-bate delivers Therapuedic nicoctine to yourreceptors!!


I love it, I love it I love it. The world's a fuck up hey?


Smoke pot and you'll die, right?

Ner a death recorded...cigarettes is the highest killing drug int he world, makes heroin look like child's play, and it's "therapudic".


what a crock.



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As everyone has already said, it's a crock of shit. :smoke:


I gave up ciggies last saturday 'n while i'm at it, i'm having a bit of a break from pot as well. Well, tell a lie. I've had a cupla cones in that time. No cravings for the dope at all, and i only had a couple just out of curiosity. That's going from a 3 to 5gram a habit a day, to basically zip. I'll admit my sleeping pattern was screwed up the first three days, but that's been the only negative outcome.


So it brings my conclusion to these findings as utter crap. Grow up dipshit researchers 'n stop releasing BS findings just so ya's got a piss poor excuse for not going out and get a proper job that yaselves and others benefit from. Just a bunch of pen pushers, shitscared of a bit of physical labour.


And they say stoners are a waste of space. For fucks sake, grow up ya sooks 'n do something constructive, for a change.

Edited by Indycar
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