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Is It Possible



hey guys


I was just wondering after dooing a bit of study. Is It possible to grow a type of weed to Slow your body's Matberlism or however you spell it . I know speed gets rid of food cravings is it possible to put speed or any other chemicals in the plants water to slow down your matberlism ( i know thats spelt wrong) .



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hey guys


I was just wondering after dooing a bit of study. Is It possible to grow a type of weed to Slow your body's Matberlism or however you spell it . I know speed gets rid of food cravings is it possible to put speed or any other chemicals in the plants water to slow down your matberlism ( i know thats spelt wrong) .



eh, if you mean "metabolism" or slowing down the process of aging, at least the symptoms of getting old, The best way to go is get some info on "ant-oxidants", those are certain minerals, vitamines and spores that do this job in your body.

For years now I suspect cannabis of keeping me in a very good shape (I look years younger than I am) but I can't be shure it's been the use of cannabis as I'm taking vitamines and ant-oxidants every day for years as well.


Anti oxidants


some more info

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hey tboat, it could be a bi-product. Smoking a lot of mj makes you more relaxed and happy in general so that may be why you look younger than your average straight person that has a higher level of stress in their day to day lives.


personally I think anti-oxidants are an old wives tale, but thats just me.

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Guest GrowMad

If u feed your plant speed you will kill it!!! Do you know what is in speed??? I really don't think anyone does these days it's cut with that much shit it's not funny... Why would you want to stuff up a perfectly good natural product by feeding it speed??? It you've got that much money why don't you just buy and have it seperately...???


Personally I think speed is shit and destroys people. I know from seeing friends hospitalised with psychosis. Keep it real, smoke the natural weed dude, but each to their own I suppose...

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hey Man


Im totally against hard drugs , but the only reson i bring up speed is because their is chemical asspect in it wich stoop's food cravings . You wouldt need that much speed either dude also ive seen my mates in the States use ANIMAL TRANQERLIZERS in boosting thc ive never seen the finall product however.



thats why im asking you guys :huh: .




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Guest GrowMad
I wasn't accusing u of being into hard drugs, sorry if that''s the impression I gave, just more thinking the cost involved probably wouldn't be worth it really... But I think there are certain strains already that have litte or none of the 'munchies' effect... Not 100% sure, maybe someone can verify this for me....
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