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Why I'm scared to grow in NSW

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Hi I've been looking around for the penalties for growing or possessing in NSW and found this ,,,

New South Wales


Supply and cultivation: $500,000 fine or up to 20 years' prison


Use/possession: $2000 fine or up to 2 years' prison


Police enforcement policy


NSW police guidelines recommends caution to people in possession of 15g or less of cannabis, or who are using cannabis.


Max number of cautions: 2


This explains any shortage in NSW ,,since this came into effect nothing is consistent in Sydney and probably over most the state ..........

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i could go all night on the positives...


Doesn't mean that you cant think about the negatives also. It is called being prepared.


Grow smart..Grow well = No trouble...


Unless something happens that is out of your control.


Like your house catches fire due to a rat in the ceiling eating through a wire, firies are still gunna go through and bring the cops with them.




Someone you barely knows comes to your house with a mate/aquaintance, and they go to the bathroom and OD on some shit. Ambulance gets called, and then they call the coppers




Someone breaks into your home and realises what you have. Maybe they leave it and then get caught doing another burg and then rat you out trying to get a lenient sentence.




Your hot water cylinder blows up and floods the house, you may need to call a repairman quickly, without having the time to clean house. (obviously this could be any emergency that requires professional assistance)




Cops raid you house in a mistaken identity/ mistaken house. (it has happened)




Someone walking past notices a smell/sounds and decides to ring the crimestoppers/Operation Noah eg. to receive a financial award.




Or one of your mates gets pissed off at you and calls the cops. Maybe they are just stupid and brag to other mates about your good gear. (They don't have to know you grow, but they can become suspicious easily enough and that will piss them off in itself.)




Maybe the Hydroponic shop that you get your gear from will rat you out to get themselves out of some shit.




Maybe your ISP gets suspicious and logs your activity and then calls authorities.




There are plenty of ways to get busted through no fault of your own, and no way you cold have predicted that it could happen. So you can't always be prepared for every situation, even though we like to think that we have thought of everything and planned accordingly.



nah dont even start growing if you have any doubts man ..


A man of reason.

I say don't start if you are scared to grow, or if you are not willing to accept/take the punishment. It will not be worth it in regards to your future mental health, and I am sure a lot of growers know what I mean.

There a big rewards, yes, but also big implications for this activity.


But giving people false sense of security won't help anyone.

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those penalties are maximum penalties....you WONT receive them for your first, second or third time in court for growing ganja.


if you havent gone to court before for posession or cultivation you may well get off very lightly.




knowledge is an excellent antidote to fear....getting a fair idea of what the probable punishment will be......to do this contact a lawyer....and ask them the likely court outcome...(you can use the old...'i have a friend who grows cannabis and he is worried' line)


if you havent been busted before and you only grow several plants and there is no evidence at your place of an 'intent to sell' such as scales,plastic baggies,notebooks of deals done etc...then you will be ok.


they come down a lot harder on drug dealers as opposed to people who are only growing their own.

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I like to think that the glass is half full not half empty... :bongon: But yer there is always unforseen probs that pop up every now and then when growin your own iamnotacop... but as i said before just be smart about the hole growin your own pot... and then most of the time you will find that.. all is good :peace:
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