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good small outdoor strain?

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i'm looking for some advice on what might be a decent smallish strain i can put in my vege garden in canberra. some advice on where to get the seeds would be helpful too. i've had a bit of a look at the seed forum, checked out seedboutique.com but there is so much there, its hard to know what to get. i just want something that will grow quickly (due to late planting - early dec) and produce buds that give a nice happy high. :P


also, is it maybe just too late to plant seeds now?

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You haven't left your run too late at all mate

A strain with a decent (50%) amount of Indica in it's makeup will not have the same stretch as a big sativa obviously


you can tip the plant to make it branch


tie the plant down as it grows

As for Low Ryder, have a read on other peoples experience with Low Ryder, from what I've read it's crap :P

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thanks for the replies. a friend just gave me some seeds, i have no idea what strain they are but i'll give em a go.


along the lines of tipping and tying, i got a good pointer from another friend of mine for growing low and also for making it difficult for poachers to pinch everything in one go. it may be old news but perhaps someone will benefit:


before planting, bury a couple of rods or dowels of some kind in the ground (a short star picket maybe?), in the general direction you want your plant to go. attach some pieces of wire to the rods at intervals before burying. as the plants begin to grow out, spread the branches out amongst the veges (maybe tip them as well to assist in this). tie the branches down with the wires.


my friend found that if someone does go to the trouble of poaching your crop, they will try to do it as quickly as possible, and in doing so may at least leave you a couple of buds to smoke for consolation while you grieve your loss. :P

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hi dubbadan, at the moment ive got 20 lowryder#2's in, they are a crossed auto flowering plant from seed to buds in about ten weeks(3 mnts)! after my first 30 days they were about 20 cm tall and shootin white hairs everywhere! they quick, only grow about 40-50cm tall and very low profile, i'd suggest them to anyone who needs to grow in stelth mode. all the best with your grow mate. Stiffy
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