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How to do that super topping....

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Just wondering about something, a long time back when I was first thinking about giving indoor a go, I saw a post about something very interesting.... The general gist of it was that normal topping, (by removing the tip of a branch so that it will then produce two growths instead of one, with more tipping you can increase the amount of tops and theoretically, increase the overall yeild per plant as well....) was bad for plants because every time you do it the plant has to recover for a couple of days, maybe more, then if you keep topping, growth can be stunted and slow.... This guy would take the tip and instead of removing it, take a scalpel and cut it in a pattern when viewed from above similar to that of an asterix, without actually removing the tip.... This causes the plant to grow several new tips from the one point instead of just the two that develop below the cut in normal topping.... And because you only do it once or twice instead of several times, you get much smoother, healthier growth and a crapload of tips ready to be trained and flowered....


Now, has anyone heard of this? I know that when I first started out and naughtily pinched leaf and tips for smoke (Naughty, naughty boy!!!), the new growth would do something similar to the description above, with three or four new growths coming out of a wound. Is it the same thing? If anyone can help out, I would be mucho appreciato...!



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Im trying the FIM technique that i saw on overgrow.com on my ducks offspring plant (outdoors)...topped it 10 days ago and havent posted any pics cause im lazy but it looks like a male bud coming out the top shoot that is splitting all over the place...very impressive especially with the purple tinges cause of the weather and too much fert.


i will be posting some pics of this very shortly when i can be bothered and after it has grown a little so i can show all the pretty tips B)

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I hadn't seen the asterix shape luke, but stinky pete showed me how if you leave about 10 % of the grow tip base rather than cutting it off completely you can get a number of shoots. I saw him get 5. I've heard of more. Maybe that was with the asterix method? I just use sharo scissors, but I dot really bother anymore, as I top my clones twice before they get into my screen.



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topping is when you just cut off the main grow stem right? below the grow tip? Whenever I've done this new shoots don't seem to grow out of the cut stem, but the plant does become more bushy because the lower branches tend to grow out more. Is this how it is meant to be?


I'm not sure if its called fim or not, but I have also pinched out 1/2 to 3/4 of a grow tip with my fingernails and gotten 3-4 shoots to pop out.

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Guest Wilderbud

I supercropped [fimmed] by plants 2 days ago and theyre already healing under flouro light and soil so I dont know why thered be enough stress to stunt its growth unless you didnt give it time to heal. One of my plants has started to grow one shade leaf straight upward from where I thought I fimmed it [turns out I must have tipped it instead - took the growth tip away totally instead of just shearing it] the other plant has started to grow its cut parts as multiple stems as far as I can see [youre playing with the tiny growth tip only so its hard to see without a magnifier].


Ill takes pics in about 3-5 days so you can see if my supercropping worked. I will never tip a plant after seeing how good fim works [so far it hasnt stressed the plant and has made the branches grow - after a day].


I'm not sure if its called fim or not, but I have also pinched out 1/2 to 3/4 of a grow tip with my fingernails and gotten 3-4 shoots to pop out.


Ive seen you say this a few times when supercropping technique comes up and yes leaving part of the growth tip is supercropping [fim]. You can compare your results with my photos when I get them online.

Edited by Wilderbud
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