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are my clones gonna survive?

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this is my first attempt at cloning... B)


I took the clones last Sunday so they are at day 8


they have no roots


heres some stats we kept a record of over the last week


12/08/07 clones taken


13/08/07 5:30pm: temp 27C and RH 89%

7:30pm: temp 30C and RH 79%Rh


14/08/07 6:30am: temp 26C and 72%RH

6:15pm: temp 31C and 68%RH


15/08/07 6:30am: temp 29C and 80%RH

6:00pm temp 33C and 65%RH (carbon pads removed from the 2 computer fans to help reduce heat via increased air flow)



16/08/07 4:30am: temp 22C and "hi" RH..more than hygrometer can handle...


17/08/07 6:25pm: temp 31C and 61%RH


18/08/07 1:00pm: 30C and 69%RH


19/08/07(today) 7:45am 29C and 47%RH



using 38watts fluro in a 4 cubic feet grow box...with 2 computer fans



below are two pics taken 30mins ago






Any help/comments/input would be appreciated as if these clones die it will set my grow plans back by weeks. B)


I have not enjoyed watching my clones getting worse and worse looking each day..hopefully they will show roots soon and come back to life B)

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it be easier and quicker to throw and start a new batch

maybe get some jiffy 7s as well

this will give u some variety and another chance at finding wats right for ya area

wen clones are rootless the need really bugger all light

well they need light but just soft light

id even put a wet blue chucks cleaner cloth over the dome

this will again filter the strength of the light

and being wet will add to humidity of cabnet

toms tecnique is great go have a look see

all the best


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thanks for all the advice everyone :)


frazzle--i will get my sorry sad ass to that thread and re-read it..hehe..properly dis time



wantdachronic--i will mist twice a day on my next go at cloning(if at first u dont suceed..etc..)



billopuffalot--i will use that blue chuck idea...and i just thought of removing one of the two 18watt fluros to help reduce light as well.



torture--the photos were taken with the dome off..the rest of the time it was on.



sunnycoaststoner--if i keep the fans off i might get excessive temps..although..if i remove one fluro tube and use the blue chuck idea it may work...hmm..ponders deeply.. :thumbsup:


tom--i used growool an aussie rockwool brand..and i did NOT soak in Ph adjusted water B)




alrighty then..i will start some new clones soon...

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and i did NOT soak in Ph adjusted water
The soaking is a very important step, the cubes you have used are actually designed to be used in little square pots or a type of tray that can be used in your humidity tray, the plastic around the Growdan cubes eliminates the need for the pot and the risk of root damage when removing the rooted clone from the pot plus you can check for roots much easier.


There are also some new cubes out made from Fytocell but I haven't tried them out yet.



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