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Cone pieces

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surprised no one has mentioned spiral, spring type cone with little handle on side. Too easy to clean just flex an bend, ;) cleaned! First seen in smoke signals in Hindley st. Adelaide 4 or 5 years ago, bought a couple for my handicapped mates (wheel chair, big back problems, bikes involved) anyhow back to reality, the handle made the cones easier to use. (best thing since battery mullers). ;)

Since then, for $4 each, (sold at local sarong shop) I carry one on my keyring, and if used in an emergency! eg. with apple or wotever is appropiate, I then throw or give away and start again ;)

cheers beers an cones Mozz

p.s. pretty Kool for an olbloke, eh?http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/otn/mfinger/pokeeye.gif

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When I'm havin cones and want to use disposable stuff (like 90% of the time) I just use a bit of comalco foil to make cones..some wet tissue paper folded around the hose with a bit inside the hose. Wet tissue makes the cone fit nice and snugly in the hose without putting too much pressure on the cone and ruining it.. I also use matches so I can unblock cone when it gets bloked...I find that the cone only gets really blocked when you pack cone too tight and toke too hard... better to make larger cones and just sprinkle goo inside... also get blocked when not using spin or there are seeds in mix...


oh yeah...I've never seen this mentioned here so I'll mention it now... when using plastic bottle to make bong...make sure you have a suitable pipe ready to grab.. in left hand hold plastic breaka or orange juice bottle... cig lighter in other hand... put mouth over plastic bottle and blow to get a bit of pressure inside bottle... light lighter and hold near plastic bottle where you want hole for hose...move lighter a little to cover area where hole will go (doesn't need to be as large as pipe) ... don't hold lighter too close to plastic bottle...just so you see a little bubble forming on side of bottle..... after about a second of bubble forming and before it bursts drop lighter and grab hose and push hose into plastic bottle where the bubble appears... hose will go straight in ( you may have to apply a bit of pressure) and create a PERFECT AIR TIGHT SEAL so you can smoke great bongs, cone after cone until bong gets too dirty or you get too paranoid and have to dispose in bin two blocks away etc....

have fun...


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And I thought I was the only person on the planet capable of making an air-tight, on the spot bottle bong.... I HAVE FOUND ANOTHER!!!! ;) YAY FOR MR PUTARD!!!.... Ahem... Now I have control of myself....

Cool man, lets teach all we meet and maybe then we won't have people making crappy bongs everywhere....;)! ;)

Seriously though, what's your fav bottle type and size for making billies on the spot?




p.s. I still don't think you should use hose man, that stuff was not designed to be used under extreme heat conditions.... Ever noticed how the hose next to the cone starts to melt after a while? Well, that's going straight down your throat, down into your lungs and so on.... I don't know about you, and I can't make you do anything, but dude, plastic hose is not what you want to get high on, I think you prefer weed....? ;) Talk to you soon....

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Greetings...lgm Luke Skywalker


yeah...the wet tissue paper works wonders for the problems associated with dirty pvc garden hose (the tissue paper or toilet paper keeps it really cool) ...another alternative is to use clear plastic laundry pipe (those brass cones fit that stuff perfectly)..but garden hose is unbeatable imo for cheap and disposable bong building... neighbour never notices hehehe...


well, as for size its not that important to me.... but I think the best bong I've ever used was....


one of those old milk bottles, clear laundry hose goes over top, smaller clear laundry hose goes in that...milk bottle has milk and water to about 1/3 full....


BTW here's another cool way to make a bong that lasts and lasts...


get a large bottle of galiano or a bottle of jim bean (or whatever turns your crank)... get stoned...find a flat blade screw driver...grab a comfy chair...start tapping on the bottle around the spot where you want to insert the hose...oh well about the time it takes to listen to Animals twice, ummagumma once, dark side of the moon once and wish you where here once...and several cones later you'll have tapped a hole in the side of the bottle large enough to put your pipe in...walla you've got a pretty cool beamer bong or galiano bong..whatever...takes skill and patience to do...






Edited by Mr Putard
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Oh.,,,Ohno I just remembered another couple of ways i've had disposable bongs...Uno making bongs is REALLY FUN....especially when yur little...hehehe


ok first ones are really basic... get a coke can...make a cone out of sumthin other than the can and make a little hole in the can to put your cone in...sprinkle with goo and toke away man...


a toilet paper roll with no paper on it...hole in one end for cone...(much the same as coke can) hand over one end and mouth on the other...home made peace pipe..;)


seriously... they work...and so does this..


warning...this is probably the most enjoyable way of getting stoned with a bunch of immature mates ...hehehe

we dubbed this one the octo bong..ehehehe


get a large nescafe jar (emtpy) with lid... make four holes around edge of lid to put garden hose in (you can be creative and think of other pipe here) plus one hole of same size in center of lid...get some bluetack (to fix cone in place, you;ll need it)...get four lengths of garden hose about 3-4 feet in length (maybee shorter can't remember)...put in those holes around edge of coffee jar make airtight with a bit of bluetack... make a big cone with alfoil (we made one almost as big as a coffee cup) put cone in center hole of coffee jar and make airtight with a bit of bluetack...fill jar with less that 1/3 water..carefull when pulling other wise you'll extinguish cone...tightly close lid on jar...get three of yur mates..give each a hose to toke on...everyone put hose in mouth (you've all got to toke at same time)...everyone light match each...four of you light cone while gently toking your pipe...get smashed off yur face...and watch the look on their faces when you toke really hard on your pipe...it's soooo phuckin funny you'll be laughing for phuckin weeks I promise....ok get them to toke gently, tell em otherwise it'll put the cone out...they'll listen because it'll probably be the biggest phuckin cone they've ever seen hehehe...ok..they'll be takin the biggest breaths cause you'll need lungs like a phuckin elephant to dint that cone...then..when they're full take the hardest toke you can...they'll really spin out cause it sucks all the smoke out of their lungs...HAHAHAHAHAHA...it's a really wierd ripped off feeling..uno like someone waving a warm pie an sauce under your nose when your starving saying they bought it for you and at the last moment shove it all in their mouth and laughing thier heads off hehehehe...not too worry there's plenty left and you probably won't have much time left to start giggling like a 14 year old anyhow...


have fun,



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well me and all my mates have air tight bottle bong making down to a fine art so theres some more ppl to add to the list. We use gatorade bottles because the thick plastic means that it doesn't go all demented when it gets heatded up and those springer tops (pvc pipe things) that ya get at the tobaco station fit like a glove.


and with the can thing.. my mates jus put a few holes in side the can and push it in a bit so ya don't lose all yer mix. pretty smooth for a pipe and great wen yer too cactus to make a bong!!

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Guest Urbanhog

Snowhill Hookah


Tired this is Tassie years ago.... funny, but the smoothest and ICY coolest smoke I have ever smoked that costed us next to nothing...


One winter, it was snow up the mountain, and me and my mates made a "snow hill" about 1.5 foot high and we just grabbed a can and made a big cone with half a can, using bottom half and few holes poked, as the "wall" around the cones (the reason why using half can) which also acts like a wind protector to stop the lighter flame going out contiunously due the mounatin winds. Cone placed on top inside the tip of snow hill.


And we made a "chamber" inside the snow hill, which is inside the snow hill, digged out from the top. So the chamber where the cone will be placed is nice sealed.


Then we poked 2-3 hoses about 1-2 feets thru the snowhill around where the chamber is inside and put buds in the can and suck thru the hose... the smoke is cooled down, and it's pretty smooth and icy cold... ;) Its takes bit of practise to make a good snowhill that seals well for better vaccum type of seal.


Shit, I am stoned.... sorry, I have decided to saw a pic instead... have a look in the link below :;):


I guess its pretty crappy drawing hehe


See the pic




P.S. - dont forgot to take your rubbish with you after your session ;)


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get a coke can...

That reminds me of this one time at band camp.... ;)


ahh ok, i was involved in a massive end of school session at the local footy field grand stand (around 50 people turned up) all sitting there with coke can dry pipes.

Get a can (does not have to be coke) bend it a little in the center an poke a few small holes in it, we used a pin. Put your herbage on top of holes and light, smoking through the mouth piece of the can. Harsh as hell, but effective @ the time ;)


You can also find bong & pipe pieces at most sex shops.

Edited by Aussie_Smoker
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hey essays





sorry normally im like, angry at my shift button, long story, maybe ill tell you one day.. ok it was about these words.


anyway essay, those bongs me and my mates make all the time, the air tight ones.. theyre the goods man.. the absolute goods


WHO SAID OCTOBONG?? once I made this bong, right, it had 8 pipes ok and they went through this bottle and had too handles with carbs in them, you get someone else to light, it was wicked but we lost it right, tried to make another but it wasnt so great, kinda shit really.


ok cones.. yeah I use the same brassy all the time, because its so damn big man, its great.. but I also got this joint holder right - have you guys seen em? they cost like $30 or so at your tobacconist, ok, and theyre silver and shiney and have a screw on top right - heres the catch. get your handy drill and drill a hole in the top of the screw on bit, its exactly like a cone peice yet you screw it back into the silver thing when your done, just looks like a silver key ornament, OK I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING THAT RHYMED [caps lock guys, fuck shift man, fuck shift, long story]:


theyre just like for trees, only for keys!


you'd be suprised eh, suprised indeed.


so anyway i just walk around with this and its great, i spose you could make it into a pipe, if you dirlled small holes at the other end to draw through, but it would be real airtight, and terrible fussy to smoke out of, but itd be wicked cool.



oh yeah im new guys, i might come here often, it depends, i dont really know but ok some moderator, can you please verify me? i dont want to have my email or anything in it you know.. thats all.


that post was terrible to type without shift to use caps lock for all those I's, you're lucky i care about your eyes guys

there we go again with rhyming, bloody excellent

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