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Hormone for feminising seeds?

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na just thinking it would be easier that why, straight in under 400w and no worries and get more fems that way.

But i might get a male and fem together for a seed run as i dnt have many, PS sent me 10, id rather make some more 1st.


Do the male and fem need to be flowering for seeds or just under a fluro or watever?

cause if i have a plant or 2 flowering means i need another light for them 2.

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Heya Mrsmokey


I remember posting a very similar question at the start of my first grow and from memory the feedback was something like, no .. they sell a liquid that is supposed to feminize seeds .. or raise the percentage femle to male ... but it doesn't work and that the sex of the seed is predetermined and locked in the genes ... I still have a full bottle of the stuff so I 'd love to know for sure ..


although it can't hurt to add the feming liquid into the liquid mix you soak the seeds in to germinate them I guess ... I soaked all the seeds I used in my first grow and got a mix of males and females ... so I'm still wondering if it really really works or not ..


the only really safe way is to keep a mum like wantda suggested .. or you could just keep a single tiny clone... keep taking a new clone from the clone every few weeks ...ditch the old one? you could maintain a very small, innocuous and easy to hide little plant which you can crank up when you're ready to do another grow ?



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No problem Mr Smokey


I'd take a new clone as soon as the plant starts getting too big for your space and the single fluro ... you can get rid of the big one as soon as you're happy the new clone has rooted and is doing ok ...


I'm definately not the final word on this so maybe check and see if you get any other advice on the liquid .. be nice if it did work ... but I'm pretty sure someone with lots of experience posted into my first GD on this and was certain it didn't ... I never used it again but like I said, I didn't throw it away so I'll be checking back here to see if someone else has some thoughts.



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hey there


personaly i dont think a seeds gender should be messed with at all if its gonna be a male just take it out if ya dont want it if its a female the all good.


i personly think that all that liquid would be doing is creating a hermi that would possibly start off female but could revert back to male at any time.


i would just pop a few seeds put 2 planst per pot and sit back and wiat till they show sex at least that way ya know it is a pure female


cheerz :Dj:

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u mea n a seed soak?? comes from accent hydroponics i think

there is but wats wrong with ya beans?

are ya getin all males?


or are u meaning the chemical to add to a fem plant to make all fem seeds?

that ones gibberlic acid or similar GA3 i think

all the best


I've read that gibberlic acid promoted males. Auxins promote females and (here go ) human urine contains auxins. Nah don't go pissin on the plants! But before I realized it I'm pretty sure I caused a hermie with the gibber stuff... It's worth reading up on very interesting.

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