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Tobacco still the biggest killer

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High all ,

Just from what I've read here (Whilst smokin a cig no less :P) ..

I agree with all the previous posts .. It is a "bullshit numbers game" statistically .. and that much is obvious ..


But I don't think the Dangers associated with smoking commercial tobbacco should be Disregarded!?!? :toke:


Great Post there AL .. But seriously man , I could publish you about a teaspoon full of blackened phlegm every morning due to smoking mainly cigs .. :P

If you yourself are a longterm smoker you would be aware of the detriment to your general health surely??


I've raised the question of "how many people do you actually know have that have died due to smoking tobacco .. or have had the seriously adverse health problems we are told about so often these days?) many times .. :punk:

I personally don't know anyone that has been affected in this way , but then again I don't know very many Cig smokers over 50 .. :toke:


And then on another note , I do know of at least 3 young fellers that have put a hole in their lung from pullin too many billies .. so I think thats something to keep in mind .. :peace:


I think the main thing is to have a generally healthy lifestyle , Eat well , get an amount of excercise both mentally and physically .. and have a fruitful outlook on life even the "bad" parts ..

Then I reckon you can get away with pursuing the less health concious parts of life :freak:


Anyway , I was gonna go on but gotta go 4 Now ..

Cheerz :toke:


Budman :doh:

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I heard on the radio the other day that someone has said that 1 out of every 3 Australians will get some form of cancer. I have no idea where this figure came from; anyhow the rates of smoking in most of the developed world are dropping while the life expectancy in those same countries is about static and less than higher smoking populations. I remember back in the late 1980s or early 1990s there was an ex-boxer who owned a health food store in Sydney. Anyhow he died of lung cancer and the insurance company refused to pay out because they said as he died of lung cancer he must have been a secret cigarette smoker! I forget what the end result was.


‘Smoking’ (whatever is meant by that term, as all forms are very different) can cause some mucus build up. I get this condition when I smoke MJ heavily and cure it by vitamin C and zinc. Olive leaf extract also works well. Moreover, slowly the medical/pharmaceutical industry is coming to accept what was published decades ago – that vitamin B17 can both prevent and cure cancer. B17 can be found in Apricot kernels but the drug companies are now trying to patent their versions of B17. Now I’m no medical doctor but I like to think I have some ideas about politics. Therefore do a search on B17 and read its history and you too will realise that it works.


Consider the fact that heavily farmed soils are deficient in minerals (and Australian soils are some of the worst). The produce looks good but has no real vitamin or mineral content. On such a diet how do you expect to stay healthy?


I’ve been smoking more than half my life now (I’m almost 44) and can’t say I suffer shortness of breath, however for most of that time I’ve smoked a pipe and you don’t really inhale all that much – the nicotine (which is in higher levels than cigarettes) enters the body through the mouth.


My concern about the anti-smoking lobby is that their research is flawed and that insufficient resources are being used to get to the real (or let’s just say, other) causes of cancer – a condition on the increase despite falling smoking rates.


On the 11th of January last year I lost a friend to cancer. He was a few years older than me, only smoked part of a cigar once in his life, was a profession league player in his younger days, lived on anti-oxidants, worked out in the gym daily, only drank hot chocolate or water and had a healthy diet. Now he died simply of cancer. If I’d contracted cancer I’d have died from cancer due to smoking.

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It would take a lot to convince me that smoking is not damaging to your health or that it does not cause lung cancer (and all the other health problems). Inhaling burning plant matter of any sort into your lungs surely can't be good. However I am acutely aware of the bullshit propaganda associated with pot so I might read Als links at some stage.


Personally i feel much better not smoking. I am also 44years old and started smoking ciggies and pot at the tender age of 14. Have finally given up tobacco for 5 years or so. I have more energy, breath better, improved sinuses, no nicotine stained fingers, and most importantly am not addicted to any drug. A switch to a vapour pipe has also helped. I feel healthier than i did at 18.


Even if you don't believe smoking causes cancer you have to at least admit it is addictive and expensive. I pay enough tax as it is and the freedom from not waking up with nicotine cravings is fantastic.


If there is a conspiracy to get rid of the ciggie who benefits? Al, You seem to be suggesting pharmaceutical companies but i can't see why (patches??).

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I don't believe in a conspiracy of the medical industry. What a lot of people don't realise is that Western medicine came from a culture of herbal treatments, the reason synthetic drugs and technology have taken over is that they are clearly superior.


I think people should open up their minds to the conspiracy of the herbal/alternative medicine industry. Its big business, and a lot of it is based on pure bullshit. Herb peddlers can talk a good talk, but can they point to clinical trials which demonstrate the effectiveness of the substances they are selling you? :thumbsup:

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Tobacco probably isnt all that bad before its processed. But fuck, have you seen the shit they add to it to make it more addictive and burn better, some of the chemicals in there are to dull down the reaction to your body of nicotine as it is a poison. If your saying the cancer is caused by other chemicals in other stuff we breathe and consume thats true but just think about how many chemicals your a delivering straight into your body, theres plenty of carcinogenic chemicals in our world, but smoking is guarantee of delivering it straight into your blood. Also im sure the scientists have done tests that prove it is the biggest cause. Cant you feel the chemicals affecting you when you smoke, I certainly can it makes me feel ill.


Heres the list of additives, they arent all chemicals but theres some strange shit in there. http://quitsmoking.about.com/cs/nicotinein...gredients.htm


Edit: Also I think if you smoke cigarettes you might as well smoke weed with pesticide chems all over it, still probably less harmfull


And they say dope is bad for you, no don't think so! compared to the tobacco they produce today i would rather smoke dope anyday, at least when you grow it uourself you know what goes into it.

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I heard on the radio the other day that someone has said that 1 out of every 3 Australians will get some form of cancer. I have no idea where this figure came from; anyhow the rates of smoking in most of the developed world are dropping while the life expectancy in those same countries is about static and less than higher smoking populations. I remember back in the late 1980s or early 1990s there was an ex-boxer who owned a health food store in Sydney. Anyhow he died of lung cancer and the insurance company refused to pay out because they said as he died of lung cancer he must have been a secret cigarette smoker! I forget what the end result was.


‘Smoking’ (whatever is meant by that term, as all forms are very different) can cause some mucus build up. I get this condition when I smoke MJ heavily and cure it by vitamin C and zinc. Olive leaf extract also works well. Moreover, slowly the medical/pharmaceutical industry is coming to accept what was published decades ago – that vitamin B17 can both prevent and cure cancer. B17 can be found in Apricot kernels but the drug companies are now trying to patent their versions of B17. Now I’m no medical doctor but I like to think I have some ideas about politics. Therefore do a search on B17 and read its history and you too will realise that it works.


Consider the fact that heavily farmed soils are deficient in minerals (and Australian soils are some of the worst). The produce looks good but has no real vitamin or mineral content. On such a diet how do you expect to stay healthy?


I’ve been smoking more than half my life now (I’m almost 44) and can’t say I suffer shortness of breath, however for most of that time I’ve smoked a pipe and you don’t really inhale all that much – the nicotine (which is in higher levels than cigarettes) enters the body through the mouth.


My concern about the anti-smoking lobby is that their research is flawed and that insufficient resources are being used to get to the real (or let’s just say, other) causes of cancer – a condition on the increase despite falling smoking rates.


On the 11th of January last year I lost a friend to cancer. He was a few years older than me, only smoked part of a cigar once in his life, was a profession league player in his younger days, lived on anti-oxidants, worked out in the gym daily, only drank hot chocolate or water and had a healthy diet. Now he died simply of cancer. If I’d contracted cancer I’d have died from cancer due to smoking.




most medical professionals blame smoking as a cause of cancer, but they must look at what the enviroment has done to us with all the pollution that the human race is doing to our earth.

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