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IT is obvious that some people in the northern NSW town of Nimbin have chosen to be deliberately obtuse and are determined not to face the scientific facts about marijuana. How else can their staging of yet another Mardi Grass be interpreted?


This event is wrongly called a festival. There is nothing joyous about people gathering to celebrate a drug that has a proven record of triggering psychosis and schizophrenia.


The enthusiastic acolytes of marijuana, who will parade up and down the main street of Nimbin this weekend, dare not read the findings of the world's top neurologists in the past decade or those of Antonio Maria Costa, the executive director of the United Nations office on drugs and crime, in March this year. Nor should they listen to former marijuana decriminalisation supporter, Sir Richard Branson, who has changed his mind because of the arrival of genetically engineered 'skunk' marijuana.


Almost as dangerous as the modern form of marijuana is the ignorance of its supporters.


While they openly smoke bongs and rail against oppressive laws in Nimbin today, they are either unaware of or choose to ignore the recent decision of Britain's Independent newspaper to go back on its 1997 campaign to decriminalise cannabis, principally because of the link between skunk and schizophrenia.


The Independent took the extraordinary step of publishing a front-page apology for its misguided view of a decade ago.


Mr Costa also sounds the alarm, calling on people to 'wake up to the fact that cannabis is now a dangerous drug wrongly portrayed as a gentle, harmless substance'.


But there is a fair chance the Mardi Grass event will continue, given that its organisers and the police who oversee it regularly avoid confronting the truth. Every time journalists from this newspaper have covered the Mardi Grass event or visit Nimbin for stories at other times, they have been openly offered drugs within cooee of the police station or within sight of a police officer.


So while Nimbin's drug promoters are studiously stepping around the fact they are supporting a modern version of snake oil that will scramble people's brains, the town's law enforcers apparently don't see what happens in the street right outside their front door.


Quite apart from the merits or otherwise of decriminalising marijuana, the staging of a festival extolling the 'virtues' of this drug is looking increasingly ridiculous.


We encourage readers to boycott this silly event.


Author: Gold Coast BULLetin

Date: 05May07

Source: www.gcbulletin.com.au

Copyright: Gold Coast Publications Pty Ltd Copyright

We encourage readers to boycott this silly event.
Better we boycott their silly "news" paper. lol



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There's a lot of misguiding going on, aye GCB. Naturally it would'nt be by GCB staff... lol


Pretty piss poor spray towards the mardi grass, to which itself is it's own enemy.


This is why i don't support the MG. Too out-dated and viewed by the general public as a bunch of ferals getting together for a big smoke up. I'm fairly confident if a MJ festival was held at a more central location close to a capital city, with folks from all walks of life. It'd shut down tossers like this writer from GCB.


To the organizers... Those people that need to hear your voice, can't do so when your standing on a soapbox in a paddock, in the middle of no where...



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Nothing quite like an ignorant prick calling people who do spend a large time reviewing the facts ignorant. I don't care I can smoke all i like without his or any other douchebags approval. The fact he gets his oppinions published isn't too disatrous, anyone who takes this or any paper as gospel is more than welcome to be on the opposing side of an issue to me. What a fucking clown, don't suppose we can get his email posted on here can we?
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IT is obvious that some people in the northern NSW town of Nimbin have chosen to be deliberately obtuse and are determined not to face the scientific facts about marijuana. How else can their staging of yet another Mardi Grass be interpreted?
That's not true. It's that the people of Nimbin have used a range of sources to make their conclusions, not the narrow range provided by those that say that marijuana makes you mentally ill.


This event is wrongly called a festival. There is nothing joyous about people gathering to celebrate a drug that has a proven record of triggering psychosis and schizophrenia.
Proven by whom? A bunch of payed off cronies and by the authority vested in the Gold Coast Bulletin? The GCB is just a tabloid rag!


The enthusiastic acolytes of marijuana, who will parade up and down the main street of Nimbin this weekend, dare not read the findings of the world's top neurologists in the past decade or those of Antonio Maria Costa, the executive director of the United Nations office on drugs and crime
They do read it but they call it for what it is: a pile of shit. Which top neurologists? I want names. I mean, there are "neurologists" and then there are "neurologists" - payed ones. And as for the United Nations, they are an international criminal organisation not answerable to the citizens of any nation but appointed by politicians who support prohibition and are just as corrupt as the owners of the Gold Coast Bulletin. If the mysterious, unnamed author of this article had have read some of the other reports from any of the so-called experts in the field they would find that the legal substances cause problems too but that their name calling and insults don't extend to them for some reason.


The Independent took the extraordinary step of publishing a front-page apology for its misguided view of a decade ago.
And they must have been payed an extraordinary amount. This is good reporting Gold Coast Bulletin: wow, front pages cost a lot!


We encourage readers to boycott this silly event.
OK, encourage the readers of the GCB not to attend, fine. We don't want those stiffs there anyway lol. The weird thing is the GCB didn't go to Nimbin to find any facts or ask any questions of its own or get any points of view other than the ones spoon fed to them from their corporate masters. Why didn't they go to see for themselves if it is all crazy and psychotic there with debauchery happening in the streets? OK, it is Nimbin and they may find a bit of debauchery there lol but you know what I mean, it's still relatively civilised. It's not dangerous for them there, or at least wasn't before they wrote this article. That's poor journalism! But they literally say: stay away from this place: this is a place of madness and you could go crazy there. I mean, it's rather like claims made about witches a few centuries ago.


Author: Gold Coast Bulletin
So, the author really was "Gold Coast Bulletin"? You mean, a name wasn't given, it's just the paper? People hiding behind the name of their paper.
...they are supporting a modern version of snake oil that will scramble people's brains...
I suppose we had to expect this. The vested interest, or "elite", prohibitionists have spent decades preparing the grounds for the demonisation of cannabis users. For as long as cannabis prohibition has been around the instigators and supporters of prohibition have made these deliberate and false claims about marijuana. They claimed everything from chromosomal damage to cancer to irreversible psychosis to schizophrenia would happen to you. One by one the claims were proved to be untrue. The prohibitionists eventually settled upon promoting the claim which is most difficult to disprove and the easiest to fabricate: that pot gives you mental illness. This is because there is a preexisting statistical correlation between the incidence of mental illness and cannabis use. This correlation exists because persons with mental illness are more likely to use drugs – for whatever reason, self-medication or whatever. But, the prohibitionists claim that the cannabis gave them the mental illness. A heinous crock of shit - but people believe it.


Oh well, I suppose it hasn't been all that long since people truly believed in goblins and demons and that heavier-than-air crafts could not fly and didn't even bathe! Today we might have a suit and tie and wear deodorant but are we really any smarter? This stupid "majority" have existed in every age it seems. Apparently most Romans believed that black people were inferior. Yet, even scientists of that day knew that wasn't true it's just that the aristocracy preferred to believe that black people were inferior because they were their slaves! It's awesome to believe that black people are inferior because then they will pick up shit for us and we can live in the lap of luxury, just like prohibitionists do today at our expense. HA HA HA! The GCB thinks that's a joke!


There's a lot of money to be made by keeping pot illegal not merely from the sale of it but because industries that would have to compete with a legal hemp and medical marijuana industry would not be profitable. We know the connection they have with politicians. It makes sense for these prohibitionist interests to siphon off maybe 1% of their revenue into the funding of bogus or utterly skewed and twisted and research results in the field of cannabis so as to keep benefiting from, and maintain, prohibition, and, so, they do.


This article amounts to a type of social or civil warfare. This increasing vehemence from the elite prohibitionists is a sign that they're getting scared and desperate. And desperate time call for desperate measures. I'm a bit worried because right through history tyrants and authoritarian regimes haven't hesitated to kill thousands of people for just about any reason. All that has to occur are the right conditions.


I have heard on the Alex Jones radio show that the New World Order, the international collective of nasty oppressive interests such as the Bilderberg Group, want to make a reduction in the world's population by about 80 - 90% by the year 2050. (1,2,3,4)


Who wants a bet which group will be selected for extermination first? Perhaps us drug users? Perhaps this is why this road-side drug testing is coming in place: to help them to create a data-base of drug users. Don't be surprised if there are a lot of apparently lucky let-offs on the road-side drug testing front because it's all to make a record. And I have a feeling they are going to start promoting workplace drug testing and then compulsory Centrelink benefit drug testing - not necessarily for criminalisation, and it may not even be overt testing - but just for a record. I also think that's a lot of what this whole Ben Cousins thing and the media frenzy surrounding drugs in sport is all about - conditioning us for worse yet to come. This is why we must be prepared to fight when the time comes, when they come for us in the future. I mean, we're dangerous to them because we think and reject authority and are already mad with them for making us criminals for pot use. They're scared of us! Then they will try kill us. lol lol


Sorry to hog all the storage space on the server as usual. lol

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OMG what a fuckin crock of shit lol


gotta love the part


Nor should they listen to former marijuana decriminalisation supporter, Sir Richard Branson, who has changed his mind because of the arrival of genetically engineered 'skunk' marijuana.



Like who gives a fuck if the head of virgin changed his mind what sort of authority on the issue is he anyways ? are we all just expected to follow suit ? If they think that his spineless decision was made because it is what he actually wanted I would say in most cases they are fuckin kidding themselfs , From what i have seen his stance on the issue has changed because he lost his spine when getting into bed with Governments around the world trying to launch his comercial space program and the fact is he woudl have been forced to or not gotten near the same co-operation .


The only studies I believe hold ANY value are those conducted in countries where cannabis is not a banned substance. It's nto always the scientists fault though I mean think about what would potentially happen to some "radical" neuorologist dared to find that the government has been wrong all this time and report about it ? Do you think they would ever see government assitance for any further reasearch on anytyign they planned ? do you think they would not be dragged over every possible hurdle from that moment in their carreer onwards? ofcourse they would , so what we end up with is a bunch of yes men runnign the tests and ofcourse findign exactly what the government wanted them to find


In the Uk they have found that the chances of cannabis itself causing scitophrinia in a person that doesn't already have a pre existing condition is less than 1% which in scientific terms pretty much means 100% but hey there could be that occasional freak one out of 100 times


the first issue of sticky point had an interesting table in it showing schitso habitual percentages , meaning what percentages had certain habits like what percent smoked tabacco , what percentages did drugs ect ect and well tobacco was at the top allong with a few other things , so according to that small table I would say that it's DEFINAITLY WITHOUT DOUBT TABACCOO THAT CAUSES MENTAL DISEASE ( see how easy it is to just pull "FACTS" out of the stats newspaper people... the writer of this article is an insult to writers everywhere and clearly hasn't researched passed former articles in local papers lol )

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Nor should they listen to former marijuana decriminalisation supporter, Sir Richard Branson, who has changed his mind because of the arrival of genetically engineered 'skunk' marijuana.



Which means he probably smoked it. Which means that MJ not only makes skitzos, it also makes billionaires!

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