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Indigenous drug smuggling growing

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Police say outback Indigenous drug smuggling growing


Police say the trafficking of cannabis and other drugs is on the rise in South Australia's outback Aboriginal communities.


More than a year ago South Australian, Western Australian and Northern Territory police created a substance abuse desk so they could work together to stop alcohol and petrol being smuggled into outback towns.


Port Augusta police Superintendent Peter Anderson says while the project and the roll-out of Opal fuel has curbed alcohol abuse and petrol sniffing, more people are now turning to other drugs.


"Sadly the focus is now moving towards cannabis and other illicit drugs, so the need for our joint activity and our continual presence remains," he said.


Author: ABC

Date: Friday, April 13, 2007.

Source: ABC

Copyright: © 2007 ABC


more people are now turning to other drugs.
Well, what do they expect?


so the need for our joint activity and our continual presence remains," he said.
Translation - I have a cushy job and I don't want to lose it. :wacko:



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Its a curious thing that the Lancet Drug Report put solvents as safer than MJ :thumbdown: where are there heads at?

Certainly at the last few Mardi Grasses Aboriginal Elders have spoken out for law reform as they see the devastation alcohol and petrol etc do and have clearly stated they want there youngens using MJ instead of these poisons ripping there society apart however by the time canna gets to the middle of Oz I imagine its $50 a gee by then and we all love our MJ and a gee doesn't last long so I imagine because of insane cannabis prohibition and getting worse is driving prices up and I see prohibition causing a whole bunch of

"debt bondage" occurring in Indigenous communities as well as all other poor areas of Oz happening because when the world and your own personal world are as fucked as they are at the moment a little MJ escapism makes it better till you have to find more money to get more MJ a sort of cycle of debt due to circumstances. :thumbsup:

Edited by Jess Stone
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a ozx of good pot costs more then a oz of GOLD where im living at $350 a oz fucking govt doesnt realize i would rather give them 200 then my dealer 350 just fucking legalize already son of a bitch why are they so stupid the cops should be the dealers not the fucking highschool drop outs most of them cant do math(i can say that being one but im good at math)
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I have to laugh every time I see a stoner say weed costs more then gold per oz. Considering gold is currently going for $688 USD per oz (http://goldprice.org/) I fail to see how they can get it mixed up. I guess it has to do with the fact that back in 1999 gold was $300USD an ounce and stoner's in Australia didn't realize its always reported in USD. Edited by Primax
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I have to laugh every time I see a stoner say weed costs more then gold per oz. Considering gold is currently going for $688 USD per oz (http://goldprice.org/) I fail to see how they can get it mixed up. I guess it has to do with the fact that back in 1999 gold was $300USD an ounce and stoner's in Australia didn't realize its always reported in USD.


lol Let me explain it then Primax..... If you buy your pot at $25 per gram, which, thanks to the laws, alot of people find they have to do sometimes ( I have seen people pay $30 ) then an ounce which weighs 28 grams is worth from $700 to $840. This has been a fairly steady top end value since the mid to late 80's.


lol If you look at the charts below you will see that up until recently the price of gold was if fact well below the price of pot, Even with the current high gold prices seen over the last 12 months it is still only on a couple of occasions worth the same at best.


post-7617-1178624464_thumb.gif post-7617-1178624585_thumb.gif


lol Try this link mate http://www.xe.com/ucc/ maby you got the exchange rates wrong but I fail to see how you can get it mixed up.


B) Peace MongyMan


Edit: just saw you posted this in another thread Primax

Hi all, I have actually been a member of this site since 2003 but I have only posted twice lol

And they were both about the same thing. I hope the posts didnt come accross as harsh but

it is just a pet peave of mine when people say that weed is more expensive then gold lol

For anyone who doesn't know... gold is worth about $860AUD per oz, now if your paying even

half that for and oz of weed I'm afraid you are being ripped off


Geez mate don't let it worry you so much lol You've made 3 out of your first 4 posts about it lol And I agree it is a rip off price but people pay it.


So... anyways.. I thought I would post a welcome message and maybe become a more

productive member.

Anyway welcome to the site mate.

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