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Dope Drought

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Dunno if it's fiction or not. It sounds surpisingly like a young fella's place I know, he's a dealer of small amounts of smoko and eccy..


The acuracy of things the "dealer" said is questionable, but there's some odd people "out there". I've spent he evening at this young bloke's place, and man I've heard some crap spoken by one and all. Me visiting has nothing to do with drugs in any way. he's just a young bloke who's parents I know, and I used to look afte rhum for them when he was a child. They ask me to drop in on him periodically. He's a great young bloke, but believes some nonsense but.


What struck me about this article though is the AGE newspaper itself. The article at least didn't seem to be hard line anti-pot, not that I could make out, and I'm wondering if maybe it's not a bad newspaper?


I haven't read (and so nor have bought) a newspaper for so many years I don't know what papers even exist in my area anymore; although I'm not that out of touch to know the age isn't a Brissy rag. (is it? :D). I have the same disregard for the commercial station evening TV news, but still watch the ABC and SBS religously. They're not as good these days, and for all I know every second thing they say could be nonsense too, but all I'm trying to say is I haven't ever read the AGE, but each time I find a newspaper article worth quoting on the side of "people", weather it's about the cops, politicians, royal commisisons, etc... they seem to be objetive.


Is this so? I'm just curious as I've never had the pleasure of reading it.




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The Age is not a bad paper, I've seen a few articles in there about the benefits of medical cannabis and hemp (which you would never see in the herald sun).

I don't think there anti or pro cannabis I just think they usually take a more non biased view than most :scratchin:

Edited by jabez
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The Sun! man, it's a crime to destroy trees to publish that rot.


They (Age) ran some excellent articles when USA threatened Tasmania with having their lisence looked at for growing opium, unless they used their ballance of power in the senate to stop Australia voting to experiment with prescription heroin trials for addicts.


Regardless fo what people might think about that, it ought to be the descion we make about our country, and the Age was the only paper I'm aware of that wrote about the fact we were under this threat at all.


They seem to always come up on internet searches with editorials that seem un-afraid regarding things from police corruption matters, frequenly open about royal commisions (or the facre they sometimes are) and similar type of things.


They better be careful, even handed-ness is a radical thing these days.




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There is a drought in Melbourne, for sure... and yeah, it really sucks. :whistle:


Even my most reliable guy is really struggling at the moment and apparently he's even gone to the bikie gangs without success.


Who would've thought, in this day and age, that there even could be a drought, let alone for going on six weeks.


Almost enough to get me growing again! :thumbdown:

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The drought is all over aus, here in WA we have had one for many months, the only ounce I can get here at the moment is one for $400, fuck that., the guy who is getting them gets them for $350 and I ussually pay $300 if I could even get them still. It is an extremely fucked situation. Edited by euph0rix
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