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Carbon filter question

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I am currently assembling the grow chamber - B) :peace:

But I have struck a problem... :peace:


The carbon filter is 38 x 38 x 105cms - BIG fucker...and it won't fit in the chamber with the china hat in place. :toke:


I am considering putting it in the roof above the chamber inside some air-conditioning venting sealed at both ends with the 250mm ducting running from the chamber to the filter and from the filter to the exhaust fan (250mm centrifugal).


What I don't know is should the filter be positioned inside the chamber for best effectiveness or will it not matter as long as the path to it is airtight?


Also do the filters only suck through the core or do they absorb from the exterior as well?


Jimbo B)


Edited by jimbojones5678
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hey jimbo..how big is your grow chamber?, cos that's one hell of a filter.


I'd be trying to exchange it down mate to something like a 250mm x 400mm or similar. Much better if the filter is in the growspace, otherwise you have to blow air through it.

And yeah, carbon filters suck from the outside (exterior) into the core via the carbon. It's only when you have to use it in reverse ( ie fan first) that its the from the 'core' to the outside, which is not as effective.



Edited by blacksaint
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yeah jimbo, I suppose that would work. Not sure how you'd go for noise though, with the filter in a relatively confined space, but it's suck it and see I guess.


I had a fun time when I got my fan/filter, working out where to put it, best positioning etc. It's the biggest job in the growroom I reckon, but once you get it right, you're laughin. Nothing better when no-one can see, hear, or smell your garden.

Best of luck jimbo..won't be long before it's all behind you.



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(((((( Are you referring to the fan? The fan's noise isn't an issue - I live alone on thousands of acres. )))))


Well what do need a carbon filter for , they are for smell , smells no problem in the bush ,,, they also restrict your air to buggery so you need a powerfull centrifical fan to compensate .



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that will work fine jimbo thats exactly how inline carbon filters are designed. you got the fan on the right side of it as well so its sucking the air through the outer layer of the filter (greater surface area)


for the outer casing I reckon pvc pipe at least 100mm larger than the filter size, and you should be able to buy reducers to make an easy duct connection to the ends. :whistle:

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