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Drug trafficking mother's sentence reduced

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A QUEENSLAND mother of seven has succeeded in her bid to have her jail time slashed for trafficking cannabis to help financially support her large family.


The Court of Appeal today allowed 37-year-old Marie Elizabeth Lammonde's appeal against her six-year sentence, bringing her parole eligibility date forward one year to April 30 next year.


In the Toowoomba Supreme Court in October last year, Lammonde was sentenced to six years jail with eligibility for parole from April 30, 2009 after she pleaded guilty to drug-related charges.


These included trafficking, supplying and possessing cannabis.


The Court of Appeal's Justice Patrick Keane said the sentence was "manifestly outside the appropriate range".


He said the sentencing judge had failed to recognise Lammonde had only offended to support her family of seven children, aged two to 19 years.


While Justice Keane ruled she could apply for parole a year earlier, he said there was no point "interfering" with the head sentence of six years.


"The applicant's very difficult personal circumstances serve to explain, even if they do not excuse, her persistence in carrying on her illegal business," he said.


He said Lammonde's changed parole eligibility date would give her the opportunity to rehabilitate herself and return to supporting her large family earlier.


She trafficked in cannabis between September 2002 and August 2005 and received no income from her partner, who was in prison at the time she was sentenced.


Her illegal drug operation came to an end due to a covert police operation in which an officer arranged via telephone to buy cannabis.


Police searched Lammonde's car and found a plastic clip seal bag containing 21 smaller bags of marijuana totalling 59.2 grams.


Lammonde claimed the police had planted the cannabis in her bag.


Another woman also travelling in the car, who was found to have $1350 concealed in her bra, said Lammonde had given her the money to hide when police intercepted them.


Some judge gives a mother of seven 6 years for 2 oscars and then wonders why society is such a bad state.


This judge needs a reality check hes just gone and traumatized 8 people for life and then probaly sits back in his chair claiming his helping the community, what a disgrace :peace:

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Yes it is an outrage giving any one any amount of time in gaol for any amount of cannabis.

I would bet the family farm that if it had been a guy it would have been 12 years in gaol,courts are blatantly sexist and never give women as long as sentences as men for ANY crime.

You watch when Kabbala woman goes to court, she's jewish and we will see if coincidently she gets a jewish judge and considering what she got caught with we will see what sentence she gets,think its anti-semite?,think I'm wrong ? Wait, watch and you will see for yourselves and if I'm wrong I will admit it. :peace:

Edited by Jess Stone
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