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it varies by a few days depending on the strain, but it generally takes over a week before you get any hints about the sex, and generally you'll know within two weeks. Also keep in mind that males generally show their sex before females! For example with my latest plant a Quick Mist Diesel i had a feeling it was probably female after about 8 days because it was still showing no signs of maleness ... after about 10 days i was pretty sure that i was about to see "the pistils of confirmation" at any time, and at day 11 i did. A couple days later i'm 99% sure i've got a female and not a hermie
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it varies by a few days depending on the strain, but it generally takes over a week before you get any hints about the sex, and generally you'll know within two weeks. Also keep in mind that males generally show their sex before females! For example with my latest plant a Quick Mist Diesel i had a feeling it was probably female after about 8 days because it was still showing no signs of maleness ... after about 10 days i was pretty sure that i was about to see "the pistils of confirmation" at any time, and at day 11 i did. A couple days later i'm 99% sure i've got a female and not a hermie


Thanks Dave

I've also just read somewhere that its around the 2 week mark...

I just thought it took my plants quite a while.

I only noticed the first pistis tonight but I haven't been looking for them as I know these are alll girls, they're going around again... and maybe a third time too :toke:



Also, If I wasn't 100 % sure of the strain, If let them go for say an extra week before harvesting, would this really FK the crop or thc yield etc a great deal? I've been looking at pics and suspect it to be another strain by appearance....

When I harvested last time, i tried going by the colour of the little glands but I could have still been a little premature due to inexperience?


It was really good smoke and was popular amongst mates...

should I aim at nine weeks as apposed to 8 weeks?


Cheers again


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I've also just read somewhere that its around the 2 week mark...

yes with most strains you should know by the 2 week/day 14 mark if it's male or female. More experienced growers are able to spot the differences after a week or so with the help of a microscope


I only noticed the first pistis tonight

Excellent, you've got a female then (although only time will tell if it's a hermaphrodite), but you've got a much better chance of getting a proper female than a hermie, especially if the grow environment is good and the plant is healthy and happy and not stressed by anything


Also, If I wasn't 100 % sure of the strain, If let them go for say an extra week before harvesting, would this really FK the crop or thc yield etc a great deal? I've been looking at pics and suspect it to be another strain by appearance....

Just get a 30x magnifier, $20 off ebay, then you can harvest every crop to your own personal level of perfection (some prefer early harvests ie. 25% amber trichomes, which is a more heady/uppy high, whereas some prefer a later harvest ie 75% amber, which has more body to it).

Start by harvesting when about 50% of the trichomes have turned amber and then fine-tune from there until you figure out what your personal preference is - early or late harvest.


should I aim at nine weeks as apposed to 8 weeks?

Read my last sentence :toke: Weeks has nothing to do with it - like a blushing woman the trichomes tell you when they're ready

Edited by Dave The Nefarious
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