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Hey kungfu ,

As far as I'm aware if Your plant has turned male there is nothing you can do about it .. and if there are other plants about It's probably just best to be removed :blink:

You can smoke the tips and leaves , but they won't be very potent and most likely harsh on the throat ..

Better luck for your next attempt :blink:



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there are 2 types of chems of which i think you may be getting mixed up with


the first is a product which claims it can turn male seeds into female but i dont really think much of it and would not worry about using it myself


the second is a product that nutrelizes the pollen that comes from the male flower. Supposedly this stops the seeding process but would still leave you with hermi buds just no seeds. Once again i aint used it and dont think i would give it ago


i dont think there is any so called wonder sex changing chems out there and if there was i wouldnt use them anyway :thumbsup:


but hey if ya got some hermies on ya hands ya could always make hash or cannabutter out of them


cheerz :Dj:

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hi hows it going?!

no products i've heard about to turn your male plant female but there is a chemical you can get, like a fertiliser which if you put it on your plant from a young age and keep up with it, it guarantes it will only be a lil girl.

BUT, my garden shop got taken over by plants plus so you cannot buy it down here (tas) anymore!

i am unsure of the name but there was a picture of a mona lisa looking girl on the pack.

i've never tried it personally but a friend of mine has and it is the bom.

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"Sensa-Spray is a hormonal stimulant that increases the number of female bud sites and decreases male flowers."


there are a few sprays out there like that, but personally i'd just rip the plant, cut my losses and move on to a new plant. I dont like the idea of spraying anything on a plant when it'll end up getting smoked either :thumbsup:

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Every now and again a grower goes out looking for the mysterious chemical that could femiise his seed or his mature plant. Lets face it it dose not exist. :)


If there was don't you think it would be comon knowledge and availiable via the hydro shops. After all they have been cultivating our most wonderful smokeable herb for over a merillium. :peace:


Yes all is not lost as if it is a hermie then you may get some bud off of it. Usually one would only be bothered if there is no risk to other plants nearby and if it the only thing you have got going.



Edited by nitram
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