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Daily Telegraph has 2 drug stories for comment .

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Cheers man you saved me looking for a some good reads


While its true that cannabis is declining, the number of cautions for use is also falling too.


The police clearly have heard the message from policy makers that rigorous compliance and enforcement of the law for minor use of drugs is not their priority.


Besides, the paperwork for a worthless caution is hardly worth the effort, so why would officers bother?


Yeh because the stupid teens see it as cool to pop pills (although some are great) the idiots dont care what they are they just drop em to be cool.


I see this as a major concern that legalizing of pot would only increase. If its legal the young will gateway into the harder more dangerous drugs as they will seem cooler for the IDIOTS.

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The way i see it, morons will be morons!!! I say give the Heroin/ICE/Coke Junkies all the shit they can take and video tape them for future generations BUT make them sign a waver stating that they wont get any medical assistance should they get sick!!!! i think thats fair!!! I REALLY look down at morons stupid enough to touch these things as there is no safe amount as far as im concerned. Also i know a thing or two, my x was on H and i was with her for a few years untill i discovered that H users are a completely lost cause.......... even though i loved her...........i just said fuck it and left. If they are dumb enough to try then they are dumb enough to die!!!

God knows we dont need dumb people alive

Harsh maybe, TRUE definately



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The drug war is certainly alive and well in Oz, its 1930's style "Reefer Madness" all over again, here's proof I can't prove :thumbsup: I posted on the day and the next day for the story Risk of turning a blind eye pointing out the Coroner,John Abernathy's finding was that Anna Wood died from hyponatremia which is death from drinking to much water leading to swelling of the brain from sodium salts building up then death,but of course they selectively published, in fact there are only 2 replies ,how curious considering the day before's many replies. One can deduce from this that there was a deluge of facts presented that demonstrated they,the Tele,Kelvin Bissett the author,Tony Woods the father are LIARS. Edited by Jess Stone
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The Tele is at it again and there are 3 or 4 blogs dicussing drugs at the moment including one by

Peter Debnam(Libs wanker leader) and another by Lee Rhiannon(Greens) and another on hypocritical politician drug policy here

Please come and join in the fracas its a chance to get in there ears and if you've seen a picture of Debnam you'll know he is well endowed in the ear dept. like the clown Abbott. :rolleyes:


the only party with an acceptable drug policy from a cannabis consumers point of view.

:toke: :thumbsup:

Edited by Jess Stone
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I really could do with some help ,I cannot get the Tele to post anything on the Debnam blog,they are protecting him from the hasrh reality of the truth ,yet the cunt is so popular in 2 days they have put 3 replies,I.m not blackballed as I have been getting plenty on other Tele blogs but I can't get at the Reefer Madness Cunt Debnam oh the posts have not been outrageous ,like I'm accused of sometime. So can some others here have a try.


Peter Debnam Reefer Madness Wanker blog :toke:

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I cannot get the Tele to post anything on the Debnam blog


It's not just you. I have a 1 out of 4 strike rate with the Tele. What an unbelievable biased , lying rag it is. The way they have distorted the Greens' position is criminal. I manage to post in the smh and new online qld sites with no probs.

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I hear what your saying Freddie ,I myself have had quite a bit of luck on various News Ltd websites lately including a dig at some conference in Perth by the Federallies on mothers who take drugs pregnant and birth addicted babies ,I tongue-in-check complained about irresponsible mothers using alcohol, nicotine and caffeine and their babies born addicted to these deadly drugs,fuck me it actually stimulated sensible debate about this hypocrisy and the posters agreed with me :doh: I wish I had done a more serious posting than a throw away I didn't expect to be published,there's a link on an OzStoners thread here:peace: :toke:

BTW I have kept up the persistance on the Debnam blog and in 3 days all this LOSER can muster is a lousy 3 posts (probably his mum,wife and sister B) ) semi supporting his stance ,3 !!! thats it, for Mr LOSER :peace:


Here is Mr LOSER and the losers new drug policy : B)


Coalition unveils $75m anti-drugs plan


Extra drug rehabilitation and education programs would be available under a $75 million plan to be introduced if the NSW opposition wins government.


Opposition Leader Peter Debnam unveiled the plan on Friday, saying more funding was needed for drug treatment, rehabilitation and education.


"We've got to enforce the law but we've also got to put the funding into treatment and rehabilitation and education," he told reporters.


"And that's a point we've made over the last 10 years to this government - the funding simply hasn't been going into those areas.


Under the plan, $60 million will be used to add thousands of extra places for drug users entering treatment and rehabilitation programs.


Another $5 million will be used to educate young people about the dangers of recreational drugs, while $10 million will go to the NSW Crime Commission to target organised crime.


The controversial injecting room at Kings Cross would be closed, while an extra 1,720 police would be given new powers to search for drugs.


Former addict and founder of the No Way anti-drugs group, Darren Marton, backed the coalition's program, saying it was vital to educate young people about the dangers of using drugs so they would not use them.


"We need to get people into rehabilitation centres because this is a health issue," he said.


"Anybody could fall into the traps of drugs and alcohol, as I have and many other people have, and it is a long, very tortuous and very hard road.


"Through my experiences in life ... I assure you where I've been none of you would want to go to." :peace: :toke: B)

Edited by Jess Stone
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Just read this reply there.


Anyone who is in favor of a zero tollerance aproach with harsher penalties, Have you thought about it from your own childs point of view. If growing up they are foolish (and we all make mistakes growing up) and do experiment with friends and get caught by the police and charged. How would you want your child treated? Personaly I'd rather see my child offered help and guidence, not thrown into prison with a record that will follow them around for life. I dont take drugs. That is all drugs, including caffine, tannin in tea, alchohol, tobacco and I only take pescription drugs when it is absoutly neccesary. I dont think this makes me better than anyone else but i do feel healthy. Get down of your high horses and look at the reality. Education is the answer not prohibition. It is your children that will be persicuted under the laws you want.

Posted by: Bob Mac of nsw 2:20pm March 16, 2007


I agree. My kids are way more important to me than their draconian laws.

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