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odor,whats the cheapest,and need a diagnoses

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yeah metrojimc,


for effectiveness, I'd suggest a carbon filter. You can get a new type of carbon filter product called an Odor-Sok, starting at about $100 for a 150mm, which is all you'd need. Of course you need a fan with that as well.

Another option is an ozone filter, but I'm not sure that would be suitable in your space.


You can also use things like as gel blocks, sprays, etc which are much cheaper options, but they will likely not be as efective.

Do a search on these forums on 'carbon filter' or 'odour', 'odour control' - there's heaps of info here from very knowledgeable folks.


Personally I use a Phat carbon filter/centrtifugal fan setup. About $400-$500 - alot I know, and I'm not rich by any means. I pondered it for a long time before parting with my cash. I'm now into my 2nd flowering with the filter, and zero smell. The other great benefit is you can dry your harvest in the same room, and have ongoing protection for the drying process. Best $400 I've spent I reckon. 100% peace of mind with my pot smell is a great thing.


Hope this gives you a start.



Edited by blacksaint
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Filtering the odours is half the equation ... masking it with a stronger scent is the other :crybaby:

I like the Air Wicks that u just plug into an electrical socket, they last about a month depending on which setting you have it on - you can tell when to replace them because the liquid slowly disappears. Some household fragrances are pretty ordinary though and make your house smell like toilet spray, but there are some good ones - i find the Air Wick 'Lotus Flower & Orchid' one really nice and just always buy that one now.

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yeah metrojim, just to add to my comment. You don't want to be 5-6 weeks into flower, then find out your apartment, and everyone elses stinks of fresh pot.

Masking it with other fragrances, sprays, gels, etc. you're never going to be 100% sure it will work until your'e at that 5-6 weeks. If it fails, then you're forced into some quick action in finding a solution.

Get yourself a carbon filter/centrifugal fan. It's money spent once, and it really is a set and forget option. There are some good homemade jobs in these forums too if you're interseted in going that way.



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an effective odor controller ,but not very expensive


Never heard of such a thing .. just dont think it exists :crybaby:


Two ways to approach this odour problem ,

1. Half-arsed way of using air fresheners, which do not eliminate odour at all.


2. Well made carbon filter which captures and contains odours.


ahh ... there is a third option maybe, Ozone ... but this is too dangerous to be using in a domestic environment by average Joe Grower.


imo :(

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yeah mate, re your plants, there's a good link on this forum at Plant Troubleshooting


Have you checked your Ph and EC levels? Are they OK?

If you supply some more detailed info on your grow, I'm sure others here can offer some specific help re the discolouration. Looks to me like a Ph problem, but really could be a number of things.


The babies do look a little stretchy though. What sort of lights you got and how close are they?



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hey there metro


first things first ya need to drop ya light n them plants as they are stretching to get closer to it


second what light are ya using what type of soil and are ya feeding them any fertilizer if no to the fertilizer i would go get some thrive or maybe blood and bone and give them some of that as i can see one with a nitrogen issue and a few showing signs of lackin nitrogen as well


thirdly what size room are ya setting up will tell ya what size carbon filter ya need BTW in my sig there is a link to a home made carbon filter it works out heaps cheaper than a store one and works jus the same


lastly thats a nice looking indica strain ya got there what strain is it do you know or is it bag seed


cheerz :Dj:

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