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wide or deep when transplantig

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roots will grow both down out out

but its safe to say down wen unrestrained

ya want ya taproot to get as deep as poss imo

i usually go from 425ml cups to 1-2 ltre pots

then to the 300 or 500mm pots

depending on me intentions..

wat medium are ya gunna be using?

all th ebest


Fox farm planting mix it says on the bag w/bat guano and worm castings.

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Imo the deeper the pot the batter, one of the best things i have used is a otto bin cut in half with a few holes drilled in the bottom for drainage, they are heavy when filled up but it is easy to move around as u have the wheels still on so u can move it put it away if u have or to chase the sun as it moves...
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hey there all


well stuff me ya got a dude that rummages through ya trash hmmmm now i thought being a parkin inspector was a shit job


ya shore ya aint just got a stalker :thumbdown:


hope this shit dont start happening all over the joint i will have to watch what i stuff in my bin :blink:


anyway the best bet for ya plant is to get a nice deep pot if ya can fit a wide pot as well then get a deep wide one it dont really matter as long as its got enough room to not get root bound then you will be fine


cheerz :Dj:

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Yes , You have to be careful of what you put in your wheelie Bin .. I try to never Put anything revealing in the rubbish ..

All Plant material can be composted outside .. Alot of people will shred their private mail aswell ofc , or burn it ..

But if there is something highly suspicious in the garbage when delivered to the dump and someone finds it .. They can fairly easily narrow it down to what street or area it came from .. So that is something to think about ..

But anyway back on topic ..

G'day Metrojimc ,

Like the guyz said .. Deeper than wide .. But the width is handy aswell .. What you want to do is Figure out what Is practical for you to use for your growing situation .. If your not trying to grow 6-8 foot tall plants then you don't need a huge Pot , ..

A standard black 12 inch (Diameter across rim) pot is cheap and I rarely would use a larger one .. maybe for a large Outdoor Potted grow tho ..

I find that just doing 1 transplant during growing saves unnecesary time and effort .. just the small Pot (maybe 6 inch) for planting seed/clone .. and establishing a good vegetative state .. and the Big one to continue vegeing some and then maturation.

But it depends and ofc is just an opinion :blink:

Good luck :blink:


Budman :doh:

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