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Have I Got A Hermi?

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Hey there all....


I am guessing I do? They have gotten this big because I haven't been able to see the upper tops without having a ladder and seeing flowering is becoming more and more apparent I have been interested to see what the tops may look like and to my shock horror! None of the other two plants are like this, I would just like confirmation before I pull this one also and I had better do it pretty quick as it's right in the middle of another two females.


I was thinking they may be seed pods but they don't grow anything like this do they? Also as you see in one image one of the pods is heading downwards, another sign to me that these are hermi's, oh and also I got rid of the male I had earlier before it could have released anything. I am just talking myself into a yes they are and out of it at the same time, hoping. Have never been through this stage and it doesn't look like anything I have seen before. What if I just chopped the top off this plant? They are on the main stem and one level down, will it just continue to produce male flowers?


I actually feel quite silly asking as I am quite confident of the answer however there is one thing about just chopping the top of which I am not sure.


Thanks in advance.




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Well I had a look at another guys grow which had a hermi, same images :(.


He said he tried to chop the branches off that had male flowers but the plant kept on producing male flowers where by the end he had to chop the whole thing down. Oh well, looks like another plant is going! :crybaby:


At least it will give me more room to tie the other ones a little further down behind the shed and better hidden from the people who come to assist with our pool.


2 out of 4 ain't bad, still a little dissapointing!

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Yeah well it was the biggest of the other two however only by maybe 10-15cm's so not too bad. Just gotta hope the other two stay the way they are! I wish I had known earlier and seeing it was in the middle it had been shading the sides of the other two as they had to be fairly close together for where they are, at least they will get a lot more sun now.


My first successful (up until now) outdoor grow, there will be a few things done differently for next time, like guessing their sizes and preparing the grow area. No pots, just a nice lush set out ground. I only expected 6ft max so I didn't bother tipping (one is but only because I snapped it when tying it down), 14ft later. It's all a learning experience and an enjoyable one :crybaby:

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