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Humidity question

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hi fellas,


I bought a Spectrum thermometer/hygrometer recently, and have been using it the last couple of days.

(I have not measured humidity before).

Temp readings are fine - averaging around 26 degrees, but the humidity readings are 90 -95%, lights on or off. I have the meter on the floor under the canopy atm, which is quite thick. Is this a reasonable reading for this area of the room? From what I understand, I don't really want to go more than about 60% humidity max. Is this correct?

I have an oscilating fan on 24/7, centrifugal fan and filter, and the room always 'feels' clean and fresh to me.


Where's the best place to put it? I was going to hang it from the roof so it hangs just above the canopy, but I assume I would want it out of direct light.



Edited by blacksaint
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Is this the one with 1-2m of cable then probe on the end? I use to just sorta sit it on top of the canopy, get the best temp reading then imo. When I get started up again think i might have 2 one inside and one outside of room for comparison.


I don't think it should hurt having the probe under the light as they are ment to b put outside ya window so u can get indoor and outdoor temp reading (if u got the same one im thinking about... has button for indoor/outdoor temp and min.max. temp and humidity?)

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If your still vegging I dont think it really matters how high your hummidity is but pretty sure around 80% is optimal..... then first half of flower around 50-60% is good then ya last half try get it down around 35% to help prevent mold and also MENT to help make ya buds more crystally.
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yeah thanks chunknugs.


The unit doesn't have probes - it's a standalone job, with a min/max readout.

I'm 14 days into flower, hence my need to get a handle on what my humidity levels are.

I think I'll hang it in the canopy, and shade it with a couple a leaves or something, then do the min/max reading after the next light cycle.




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