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How Strong/weak

Mr White

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Hey all

Well my new seedlins have pop ther roots through the rockwell cubes and have now just planted them into some cocopeat. :thumbdown:


I plan to put them in the GR in about 2 weeks but till then i have them in this bodgey setup.

My Question is what do i feed these babies and how often.

Would i be right in saying about 4ml total (2ml of each)of A+B vege nutrients to 4lts of Distilled water as a mix for them.




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do as ozmade suggested as this is what i do start off very weak and slowely build it up to ya at full strength that way ya seedling or clone dont get over fed but can still take all it needs


and im not sure why you are using distilled water apart from a low ph and slightly less ppm it dont do a huge amount for ya seedlings as your nutes if ya using a good one will drop ya ph for ya


and a waste of money if ya having to buy it all the time distilled water that is


cheerz :Dj:

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I am acually mixing the distilled water with normal tap water, 50/50

It was something the hydro dude said at the shop bacause i didnt have a ph tester, Ive got one now.

Also with foliar spraying,which soda water by brand do people suggest.

I remember reading the brand somewher here with a low sodium content but am now unable to find it.

i only ask because when i spray the plants i end up with what looks like salt residue on the leaves.

The lowest sodium content i can find is 10 whatever's per botle.


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i posted and then i withdrew it

sorry for posting nothing

i too havent been able to find any soda water with less 10%

thinkin maybe dose with the soda water and nutes

then follow with a plain water run the followin day

that way the residue from the soda will be washed away

all the best but skunks the man for the soda deal


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