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hey fellas,


expecting some Microbial in the next day or so, and am wondering at what point to add to my nute solution.

Currently I do as follows;


first, Silika Magic, then Ph adjust

then add Canna A+B,

then Superthrive

obtain required EC, then Ph test/adjust if needed.


Microbial has a Ph of between 8.0-9.0 , so I thought add it after the Silika Magic, then Ph adjust.

Sound like a plan?


Thanks fellas,


Cheers :peace:

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yeah thanks everest for the confirmation.


yeah nugget, with the Silika Magic, it has quite an alkaline Ph, so its advisable to add such products first then adjust down. If you add the nutes first, then the SM, ya gonna find yourself adding copious amounts of Ph Down to get it right..at least in my experience.


Canna nutes too have excellent Ph buffering, so once ya get the Ph right after adding the Silika Magic, I find I rarely have to adjust Ph again, even after adding my other additives eg. Superthrive, Canna PK



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yeah thanks Stoney,


I do add the Superthrive pretty much last, and yeah ya right, it doesn't alter Ph or PPM noticeably at all.


Actually before I started using the Silika Magic, adding the Canna nutes to my water always gave me a spot on Ph around 5.8. Good for me as I hate Ph adjusting. However, the SM I believe is at least partly responsible for the big 'knuckley' nodes on my branches, so the hassle is worth it I reckon.



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