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Aight you need this shit:


One bottle


a soft grip bic pen with the metal tips


a lighter





Steps to do this shit up.

1) Take ur bottle, put it on its side, heat up the side untill it starts going bubberly, and once a whole forms about half the diameter of your pen, then put the pen in and then your done.


2) get sum water and fill the bastard up, k, first do this step b4 step one, but not the water, dont filler up yet, but what u gotta do is take off the end of ur pen and make 'er hollow, or w.e you gotta do. Then do step one, then do step two, but not the second half because then you'd be doing half a step more than once, which isnt possible to do once it is done.


3) take the metal pen tip, invert it and place it in the end of the pen, like a bowl.


4) take your marijauana and your mariauahana, and herb, and bust up some tokes... then pack a toke, not too small, big is good, but not too big, but not too small, but not too big, then you gotta light your lighter, place it next to the marijuana in the bowl, that you packed, not the stuff still in ur baggy, then inhale untill the toke turns to ash and goes into the water


5) POP THAT SHIT YOU ?FUCKING PUSSY!!!!!11 Take it all, dont be a bitch.


6) munch out


7) repeat steps, but not the steps that you shouldnt repeat, use your judgement. NO DONT EAT THE BOTTLE,







k, ur done

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I read how to make a popper with different instructions. Yours seems to be just a plastic billy.




I could be wrong but after reading that link it still sounds like a bong. This Popping thing really (clearing the chamber quickly) sounds like the same effect you get from a bong with a shottie.


Please tell me if I'm wrong.






PS Why is it that people make bongs then don't put a shottie in it??


Edit: can't spell

Edited by Pacaman
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That is exactly what I said, they just used a metal nipple, whatever the hell that is.







THIS IS A CHEAP AND EASY TO MAKE BONG. That seems to be the question, or the answer if your playing Jeopardy, but we're not playing Jeopardy are we now? So your wrong, the answer is seven, its fourty two; respectively.

Edited by Zaknefain
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