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Strainguide is Now Open !

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Well it has been a good few months of work and you have all been very patient , but it has all paid off As of today the OS Groups strainguide is FINALLY open and ready for strain reports and user comments


This software was written by us , so it's not something any of you would have used before , however I have tried to make it easy to get around and have tried not comlicated things.


Each strain in the strain guide is made up of two parts , there is the strain page , which can only be created by editors or admins these are the initial pages that opens when you view a strain, and then there are the reports which is where the user input comes in each of these is a report on an individuals specific grow experience with the strain. these can be and I hope Do get added by any member of the forums, once you have submitted a report you will see a link to it apear in the "other reports" section of the strain page.


The Reports are probably the most important part as far as new user is concerned because it gives an opinion other than that of the breeder so the more everyone gets involved the better this strainguide will get :thumbdown: at this stage I have given 2 upload spots for users to upload images for their grow , however this is being reviewed and I will most likely add a bulk upload option aswell however if you have more images that you want in there for now I can add them for you manually , just email me at pure@ozstoners.com with the images and pm me here so I can tie the name to the email


The strain guide as it is is a beta version , meaning there is still work to be done . which is where I would like the members here to come in . If you see a bug or if you think it is missing something or if something is incorrect , Please get into contact with myself through the boards here. I will also be starting a requests thread in the support forum for people to report errors , give ideas for improvement , request we add a specific strain , or even offer your assistance with the " spiffying " up of the look



You can access the strain guide by clicking the Strain Guide link on the menu bar of each page , or click the link bellow and the link to add a strain report both outdoor and indoor can be found on each strain page


Strain Guide

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