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Question about mother plants?

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you can select from seed all ya do is take the best plant that you get from your seeds


best way to do it grow them all to at least the 6th node so they show sex then take the best looking or best pheno that you have


also another way to do it is take 2 clones off each plant (2 if you are good at cloning 3-4 if you aint :freak:) and lable then all so you know which came from which plant then flower all the mums this way you will see what they all flower like and pic the best from there


cheerz :Dj:

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Heya burntone :peace: ... you can have any small plant for a Mum, seed or cutting ... but because its going to produce clones for you future grows you wanna make sure its the best producing, best smoko, etc :freak:


as for any advantages with a clone is that its parent plant has been grown out and proved itself as an acceptable plant ... whereas a seed plant has not completed its life cycle so you wont know how it will finish up


ya get me drift ... :peace:



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I see the Light... hehe, thanks a bunch this helps big time. starting a Sensi Star grow and want to keep it going with a mother, just never worked with clones or mother before..

Thanks again



i hear thats a damn nice strain :peace: im glad you decided to get this information now before it was too late as you wouldnt want to miss out on keeping it :freak:


you can select from seed all ya do is take the best plant that you get from your seeds


best way to do it grow them all to at least the 6th node so they show sex then take the best looking or best pheno that you have


also another way to do it is take 2 clones off each plant (2 if you are good at cloning 3-4 if you aint :peace:) and lable then all so you know which came from which plant then flower all the mums this way you will see what they all flower like and pic the best from there


cheerz :Dj:


great answer and it is exactly what you should do, but the only thing i do different is tying the plant down to get the lower branches growing out. seedlings in my experience dont branch out nearly as much as they should when grown indoors so by doing a bit of lst you can force those branches out to get more cuttings :peace:

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you can keep mums in dwc, but its not ideal.


DWC requires a higher level of maintenance than most systems and is more sensitive to temperature changes and water quality. IOW, it offers poor rootzone security.


Also it requires power to run. Now a soil plant can cope fine without some power for a time, but if you lose your airpumps in a DWC system for too long it could be trouble.


And finally, DWC is a fast growing system. Thats not what you want with mums.


but, that being said, I have kept mums in a DWC system before, no real probs, just gotta trim the roots regularly. Which for me is just lifting the plant out of the bucket and cutting off chunks of roots with scissors, just remember to prune a corresponding amount from the greenery on top when you do this otherwise the plant may struggle.


at the end of the day you will get the best results from the system you know best. So if you know how to keep healthy plants in a DWC but not sure about other methods then maybe it would be the best choice for you, for now. But I would suggest something simpler. Like standard garden pots with perlite sitting bottom fed in a kitty litter tray. Can fit 6 125mm pots in a tray. bottom feed em with 1/4 strength nutes and only feed when they have sucked up all the water out of the tray, and once every few weeks flush with ph adjusted water with oxyplus or similar (H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide) to keep things sterile. some growers don't even bother root pruning, when the plant gets too big for the pot just re clone it... :freak:

Edited by pipeman
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