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I've had bad experiences with ps and alien that's why i'm doing my shopping with xpseeds. I've bought from them twice and I am very happy with their service and quality of the beans.


Hope that any one can still tell me something about SMASH.



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hey there mouska. i got some smash seeds couple of months ago. am growin em now. they went in a bit late though. there growin outdoors. they seem to be stretching a bit, compared to my own fuck nose mix of mostly indica strains. they appear to be very hardy, and it seems very indica. i tip my plants a bit. i tipped one of them as well, but it did'nt make much diff to the bushiness of the plant. but i just ordered some more. so i must be impressed with the plant, or i'm just fuckin stupid. one is 1/4 headed now, so i'll know soon enough. huge wide shade leaves to. cheers.........B.B. :thumbsup:
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hey mouska.. you want to grow em indoors or out.? i just got back from checkin my girls. i had a good look at the smash girls, they were planted very late but there powering. huge thick straight stems. very robust looking. i'm used to much bushier plants cos i'm chasin big yields. i tip the guts outa them. don't think smash likes being tipped. .........anyway there awesome looking. ... cheers mate...B.B. :thumbsup:
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just got back from the hills. plants are all powering. i'm experimenting this year. i got sensi skunk, skunk#i, power plant, m60, smash, spanish skunk and my own fuck nose bush indicas. out of the bought seeds, the smash and power plant are looking the best. smash is about 8 foot tall, chrissy tree shaped with half grown buds. just starting to get bit of smell. i'm growing in large grow bags, 100 litres. i think the smash should be in the ground. think it would do better there. they are thirsty bitches.

next time around i'm going with m60, power plant, kali mist, early misty, and prob smash. am feminizing all strains,[ hopefully] ..........cheers.....B.B..... :doh: :thumbdown:

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