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Another revegging Q

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Gday all

I'm nearly there, just over a week to go now hopefully?

I was just wondering, I would like to keep one of the plants that I harvest as a mum to take clones off mid jan next year.

All I know is that I harvest, prune right back leaving 'smaller' or 'lower' buds behind on the stem and turn lights back to 24hr days?

What sort of nute strength should one use(weak or normal) during the first few weeks?


Thanks for input




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Go normal strength,there got big old roots........Grow, not flower nutes.................might as well cut them all back and reveg the lot,,,,,few weeks on veg and you will be away again...................seems to be alot of wasted room and light in your growroom..................OLDER THE PLANT=CHUNKYER THE CHICKEN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Its like when you flower mothers that have been growing for years(FUCK THEY CHUNK UP TIGHT)
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Happy New year!!! lol

Hope everyone had a good festive season?!

Finally back from 1 month holiday, and just about ready to start next grow...

I did reveg all the plants too, a bit unorthodox i guess but it worked :toke:

I ended up mixing up a mix of 3/4 nutes at ph 5+ to start in three inline 60 litre containers, knowing it would end up a litttle stronger later on. Basically, I pumped out of one, and had the return line at the other end of the three, letting the soln flow through all three individually. I dropped to 800W, 6/18 and fed twice for half an hour morning and night. I locked up the shed and fucked off leaving everything automated for the whole time. This unfortunately was my only option but it worked!!! :peace:

Hopefully, having more time this grow, I'll get these up to mammoth proportions :ack:

On average, how long do yous veg your plants for or do yous go by size?



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get in there and prune all the old buds off... and turn em... they are more than big enough to flower.. give em a good flush and straight onto flower nutes...


also id be kinking the branches down... but thats just me... it will grow back up and fill those gaps while they have their stretch.. I usually stop kinking at about the 2nd or 3rd week... will also give an even canopy...


they look great... gonna be a nice harvest..

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