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*sigh* rotten teeth



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i love hearing how lucky i come out of these things :applause:



thank god all 3 are towards the back, 2 top, 1 bottom, mother says i still have a beautiful smile though :whistle:


it sucks, but then again, i'm glad to hear it was my binge drinking (and other things) that did it, i'll be a good boy from now on and only smoke my pipe :peace:



i love this place <3

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I got 2 cavity FILLED teeth....they're both the "other" teeth at the back that didn't get removed when some did....eg - the ones on the opposite side. They've just been getting progressively more and more fucked.

The back top left like never even grew properly and it's a jagged fuckup with like half of it gone brown, the bottom back right, has a cavity that is literally 2/3 the size of what the tooth would be itself...it's a bitch.

Food gets caught in there, anytime I eat something sweet it kills, forget cold drinks without a straw...

I hope to get 'em removed within the next couple months...the rest are fine.

The problem is mainly when people drink primarily sodas...huge amounts of sugar, the fizziness actually acts as an abrasive as well, making the problem all the worse. Acidic fruits in large amounts (mainly citrus) can also have a bad effect on your teeth.

On my side personally, I also grind my teeth, so my enamel has become worn, making them susceptible to cavities...etc...I have to take extra special care to brush frequently, and soon after I eat.

Always make sure I carry gum too.

Worse comes to worse, I'll just have the lot ripped and go for some dentures til dental prosthetics become more affordable...but, that's a long way off of a last resort.

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dude dentist's charge a shitload of money because its shit work. (and because they can).


How much money would you want working on the digusting shit in people's mouths all day long? But thats not the best part, as well as having to deal with that shit you gotta put up with patients whinging about the pain, the dollars, or both. Not to mention the 5 years of uni you have to put in to even get there.


If being a dentist is so fucking easy why don't you do it? One bit of trivia for you tho, it has the highest suicide rate of any profession. Think thats coincidence?


If I had to live through that shit every day I'd be charging as much as I could as well. You spend most of your waking life at work, and for dentists its a shit life. :peace:

Edited by pipeman
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The problem is that cannabis and tobacco both dry out your mouth, cannabis particularly so. This lack of saliva allows bacteria to get at your teeth much more than they would otherwise. Even with good brushing you can have problems.


It's not as bad for everyone, it depends on the person and other factors, but chewing gum helps produce more saliva, as well as drinking heaps, and brushing after each meal can help out too.


Get thee to a dentist... :peace:

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I'm a coke whore. Not the drug... What, weed? huh? your confusing me now, start again. >.< If your going to interupt me at least finish what you were saying. Alright so then I was... yellow dog. Red Rain? Blue fish?



I once drank 24 coca-cola ina 12 hours... not too impressive but kinda in its only little way. Kinda like the story about the dog.

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But seriously , theres some really good comments here ..


Cheeba , man .. funnily enough .. sounds like I have had nearly exactly the same problem as you .. same deal , back teeth , old cavities worn away .. not gettin the opposite teeth out .. and I grinded my teeth alot for a few years .. I don't do it so much anymore , I think I chew my tounge now instead :peace:


Closet grower , I understand your anger .. but It's not the dentists that are Scum B)


Pipeman , Well said .. but dentistry isn't the worst or hardest job in the world .. and surely people are prepared to look into peoples disgusting mouths if they choose the career .. Interesting about the suicide rate .. where did you hear that? ..


And hey Rehana , Hope all is well ..

I think that if your dentist/doctor thinks you should get the wisdom teeth pulled , then you should do it and get everything done at the same time .. pull them all , or if any can be filled do that aswell If ya wanna save em for chewing and smiling lol


It doesn't take long at all for em to pull a tooth .. I've had 3 pulled and need 2 more gone (top back) .. lucky to even feel a sting with the local anesthetic needle .. then a short wait to let it work , then maybe 5 mins max to pull it .. sometimes a stitch or 2 is required if its a big tooth .. but thats a peice of piss too ;)

Try not to smoke or drink for as long as possible after the extraction otherwise you'll continue bleeding alot longer .. your mouth is numb for a while after , and you might wanna have a painkiller or two handy depending on how rough the extraction was .. but It's a dull bearable pain anyway ..


Heheh , o.k. sorry to ramble , just thought I'd give ya an idea on what its like .. It's really not as bad as one might think and only takes a short time .. B)


Good luck with it :toke:


Budman lol


(P.s. I can't really think of anything worse for your teeth than Pre-mixed Spirits&Cola , Go the Beer man .. or mix your own drinks , bugger all sugar in Beer tho :peace:

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Hey Pipeman, if dentists have a high suicide rate, it's most likely that guilt has caught up with them.

I've had some very unprofessional work carried out in my gob by those pricks and they still charge $400/hr+ lol


As for shit work, why aren't toilet cleaners being paid this much :thumbsup:

I haven't seen too many shithouse cleaners getting around in a Jag or Mercedes :peace:


Good luck with your choppers rehana lol




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