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The difference between soil and hydro...what is it

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Hey what's the difference between between soil grows and hydro, i thought it was just what was in the pot when you grow it... isn't it?

basically thats right I think. Of course whats in the pot effects what nutes you use, your type of watering system and how often you water.


I'd recommend you do some reading through the faqs at www.overgrow.com

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Hey what's the difference between between soil grows and hydro, i thought it was just what was in the pot when you grow it... isn't it?


and what's  flood and drain cycle, anyone?

Hey crazychicken

To start with growing in hydro is cleaner, easier to manage, with bigger yeilds from smaller pots.Growing in soil will usually give you a more stable ph and nutrients level.

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Guest Babybear

i thoguht it was a diff between out door or indoor not hydro or dirt

ffrom what i heard, not sure on this , But if you grew weed plant with strain x in dirt(watered with hydroponic water) an strain x in water (watever its called)that they will come up much of the muchness when cokmes to the strain , I could be wrong ,


opps just realized this was in the *indoor* section :blink:)

Edited by Babybear
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