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a few questions

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you need a nutrient truncheon or an EC meter to read the strength of your fert solution before you chuck it at the plant. too little ferts and the yield will be crap, too much and it'll die.

the full strength solution gives you a base to work from if you don't have a meter. mix according to the instructions on the bottle then dilute with the same amount of water to make half strength (for normal growing i think) and same again with the water and the new solution to bring it down to quarter strength for cuttings.

life's alot easier with a meter though. while you're at it, get a pH meter as well - you'll need both.

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HI stonerweed



what does it mean to feed nutrients at 1400-1800 ppm ?


As tony2wheelsgood pointedout it refers to disolved minerals in warter as measured by an EC meter.


'ppm' is parts per million



what is a full strengh solution?


Using an EC meter means greater accuracy in nutrient concentration. It's generally accepted that an EC of 2.0 (ppm =1400) is full streanth. However plants(strains) will vary wther tollerance of highter or lower nute levels . Some growers don't use an EC meter but use the prescribed doseage altering the amount when the plant tells them it is too much (too high an EC) or to little (low EC).


cheers stoner

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