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Reflective Mylar(R) OR White OR Ultreflect(R)?

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Hi, I can do either. No expense spared.

Reflective mylar is essentially a perfect mirror.

Are there pros and cons for either?

Ultreflect seems to be more expensive

Not endorsing this shop..it just has all 3 options up there for consideration.


Ultreflect is the most expensive. Ive still got some mylar. But ready to go hitech :scratchin:

opinions please.



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Mylar is pretty hitech from my point of view...


Looks good, seen some stuff like that advertised recently, but never actually handled any before.


What reflectivity figures are you getting from the mylar and what's the level from the Ultreflect? Is it really that much more worth it to get the more expensive if the difference is minimal? (that's if it is... it could be a fair bit if it's a large room...)

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dont know,

Reflective mylar is 98% reflective, greater than your average mirror (80%) so they use it for film props and they use it on the hubble. But white paint and ulreflect would defuse the light more. Never seen the ulreflect before though I guess it would do a better job at that (diffusing), no idea how reflective it is though.


But is mylar still better than white(paint/poly)?

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I have been told by some experienced growers including Tom that flat white paint is 90% reflective and works just as well as panda film or mylar.


I however have already ordered and received 3m of 150 micron panda film. I ordered panda film because it's available in either 2m or 3m widths.


Depends on your application I guess but I'd choose normal panda film over mylar because it's cheaper and works the same if not better.

I think mylar might hold abit more heat too..

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