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holy fucken shit i should be in the special olympics...anyways i was just adjusting the lesbians and i noticed that the string i used to train one of them was to tight-sooooooooo my dumass goes to make the slipnot i used a little looser and I HEAR A SNAP.... looked down and there was the beautiful crown!! GRRRRRRRRRR i snapd off a set ina halph of my baby....

she was just startin to stank...about 1 month along now




it snaped about "| |"above the 4th set of leaves....will my baby go into shock?

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Shit that is a bummer loosing ya crown bud.


You can clone the crown bud but the amount of time it would take the rest of your plant will be finished or very close to it.


The plant will be in a little shook but it should get over it in a day or 2 and then it put all its enagy into growing the rest of the buds nice and fat for ya.


I would just dry out ya crown bud and smoke her, but if you wish u can clone it and keep it aside for your next grow...

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A plant 1 month in bud can be 1/2 way through its flower cycle but that can be strain dependent as well, but on aveage an in door plant is about an 8 week flowering time but that can go up to 12 weeks.


You can clone the crown bud do it just the same as u would with a plant in veg, it will take a little longer for it to start to root as it has to re-vert to veg state of growing and this can take a lil time, so it can be done it just takes a little longer then it would with a plant that is in veg...

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Maaan , Oh no Sneek , Thats terrible ...


You snapped it right off , How on earth did you do that!?


If It was broken but still attached (Surely It was , How strong is their fibre man) ... You just splint it , and it will be fine , I dunno tho , seems you maybe cut it off or something ...


Sheesh ... How did this happen man , I don't get how it could "Snap" off ... But anyway , The plants should still grow and bud for you depending how much is left.


O.k. Bye


Budman :(


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thanks for all the info guys....but i still dont think i made myself clear...

there one month since seeds....not 1 month into flowering its 1 month into veg....

i was adjusting the string i used to train it and it was to tight...constricting the stem makin it weeker and it just snaped from the string up.... there 4 set of leaces and then just a snaped stem...so far no growth has come but hopefully that changes.... still havent got ne posts about growin 2 crowns.....i heard if u snip on purpose above the fourth set of leaves the plant will grow back 2 crowns instead of 1 and u can keep doubling it up...2 to 4, 4 to 8 and so on....

it just so hapens it snapd above the 4th so mayb i got luky? well we will see what hapend...ill keep up the posts and try and get a pic in here so u guys can see what im talkin about

thanks for all the replys guys


-stone on

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