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Silika Magic

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i dont use it on clones. i start once they are in veg - but once they are established (couple of weeks). but this may not be the correct approach!


regarding strength = as far as i know you cant overdose on it, but i wouldnt recommend going above the suggested dose.


to be honest though, i havent really found silica do to much! its supposed to help with mold - but the environment (ie humidity) will determine whether you get mold. you can put so much silica in but it wont do shit if your buds are FAT and humidity is high (and its cold ie winter).


does anyone esle know what silica does except help (supposedly) with mold?


also i dont foliar feed with it. but it may be something someone else recommends. ive decided that foliar feeding is imho a waste of time (espectially if there healthy and firing along). ok if there sick and you need to treat a deficiency.

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I've just purchased the same product, from Flairform. It says to use 2mL per 10Lt for 40ppm of silica.


I haven't actually tested it yet but I will probably start off at a lower dosage (around .5ml) and as the plants get bigger I would increase it gradually. Just like you do with your nutrients.


Silica definately does help your plant there has been alot of studies done on it including some sort of x-ray which can detect the silicon stored in the plant cells.


I wouldn't foliar feed them with it personally. I just don't like foliar feeding full stop.


Here's a link to silika magics website http://www.flairform.com.au/Products/silikamajic.htm

If you go down the bottom you will see a link to download an information sheet.



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i find silica works very well at lower doses when foliar sprayed, also helps with a barrier against bugs and mould spores.


Will notice chunky knuckles on branches and plants are generly healthier looking. What im unsure of is when to stop much talk of late with strange problems when used in last weeks of flower.



More info can be found at Hydro generations they did alot of testing on the budlink and are happy to answer Qs IF site is UP and running.


From budlink bottle.


Increases weight and bulk.


Helps even nutrient uptake and prevents toxic build up.


Strengthens plants


Disease resistant.


Improves cell integrity.


Barrier against spores and fungi


Tends to produce plants with thicker greener foliage. When used as foliar it is easily absorbed by leaves and forms a barrier against airbourn bacteria and harsh light levels.


effects may not be noticed until well into grow but becomes apparent apon harvest.

Edited by thc24
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