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started reading the latest replies in this thread then realised I wasn't enjoying myself.


think I'll smoke up and find something a bit more fun to do, maybe I'll come back to this thread next week.


see, this is what you do when you've had enough of a thread, you stop reading it. Don't request/threaten to close it. Leave others alone to continue the discussion if they so choose.


have a good weekend everyone. :)

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Im sorry pipeman I wont do it again. come one come all!

Yeh i liked budmans revisions too. Maybe the hempbar folks should just forget about our input altogether? Stop trying to justify themselves and convince us "indoor hydroponic BIGGER THE BETTER BUDS" avocates that what we are doing is evil.

Because they are obviously having a terrible time justifying their position - scientifically, logically and morally.

I just cant take them seriously and Im sorry if I offend..but I just dont understand their logic..or lack of. Im just entirely skeptical.



Where in the hell can I get "big as arnies bicep" buds? They must be growing some serious secret strains in them illegal hydro grows up in nimbin, I wanna know! Im sure some dutch breeders would wanna know too!

(umm..ive seen some photos of outdoor sativa strains..getting pretty huge though :))


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I'm sorry , I don't think It is an improvement at all , in fact I think It must be a joke.

Imo It is as bad if not worse than the original ... and as mentioned , very sarcarstic. B)


I believe I left my revision of the Hempbar statement open for the crew there to consider and make their own entries , possibly considering he simple but honest suggestions I gave ...


I Honestly must have read thru your statement well too many times for me to try and find some "middle ground for us all" ...

I really hope you are trying to do the same ...


I don't think this thread is a waste of time , and I think It has evolved well ... Maybe u think It could be better discussed in person? ..

Well , I don't really think it necessarily would be ... This is important , It's like sending Letters in Quicktime. :)

Sure Its gonna be 50 pages long (of some very hefty posts) But Its been mostly very intelligent and humane I think.


Btw . mainly to Bigbong , The only reason I suggested a second thread earlier was to basically start this one anew , but from your standing .. i.e. You start the thread , you direct the discussion ...

As Youve seen we are all open to fair and (hopefully) non aggresive discussion on this obviously slightly difficult subject.

Surely you want all of the dedicated MJ activists here at OSA to support you aswell as the others that do ...


Sheesh me .. Sorry for the drawn out reply again ... I think I'm getting better at relating thru text ... heheh ... learny learny ..




Budman :peace:

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Its simply UNTRUE the old version or the new version. Listen up BB.org everybody doesn't and CAN'T live like hippies in Nimbin otherwise it would be called Sydney or Brisbane and you would be back to square one.

I know for a fact one of the most popular strains on sale and smoked up in Nimbin was developed INDOORS originally. Its popular on the street and for med people as well,I really can't say more as its best to keep the cops clueless,but I will say it only meets some of the HempBars criteria and THEY are happy to smoke it up.

Many 'hydro' strains are planted out and as must be the case these 'hydro' strains grown out are STRONGER than indoor identical strain ganga. You see I'm not championing 'hydro' because I'm a "hydro" grower or smoker as I'm not . I smoke INDOOR grown when I cannot obtain OUTDOOR to smoke(no more than 10-20% of what I smoke up in a year). But BS is BS and the amount spewing forth from FUCKWIT politicians over the last few years is intolerable.


1] Cannabis (anytype) can NOT cause any type of mental disorder or damage,wake up the bodies own endo-cannabis system is what gets you stoned not THC in pot, all it does is trigger the bodies own hormones eg Anandamide an IDENTICAL molecule to THC delta9 in the Cannabis species plants -IDENTICAL- the only difference ,one is plant based one is human based.


2] Indoor grown pot no matter what you do/try etc can NEVER be as strong as the identical strain grown outdoors in reasonable conditions and fairly intensively cultivated.Sunlight is infinitely more intense than sunlight from 100 million years ago .


3] BB.org is the urinal smell you describe the smell of Skunk(T.M.) or SuperSkunk(T.M.) type strains which I personally describe as a turpentine like aroma? As I absolutely have smoked up SuperSkunk grown OUTdoor organically and to my surprise I dispelled a myth I believed up to that point that 'hydro" skunky strains had that smell and taste because they didn't flush or its the ferts they use or some other BS ,well it was BS because it tasted and smelled the same as Chem "hydro" SuperSkunk grown under lights -its the strains thats how they smell and taste.

edit afterthought: Is the urinal smell an ammonia /cat piss smell? Part -dried bagged up anytype of pot gets this smell when it starts to rot!


4] 'hydro' can be organic therefore organic 'hydro' may well be "safer"(B.S.) than outdoor mersh.


5] How the hell would you know what friends and aquaintances put on their 'supposed' organic? Were you watching their plants 24/7? Some people FIB to save face eg. their plants are going nowhere so a little bit of chemical boost won't hurt ,no one will know unless I tell them,no one said or seemed to notice I put chem fert on my plants and they yielded good so who will know next year!


6] Outdoor generally means one or if your lucky 2 crops a year so therefor they need to be bigger to keep you going a whole year (or half a year if your lucky) till the next harvest comes in which means that you need to hold onto to pounds of pot to keep you going to next crop which leads to accusation by cops if you go down that you had a "considerable" quantity a "commercial" quantity your Worship, is what the police prosecutor would say,a definite pitfall of outdoor grows. :wacko:

Edited by Jess Stone
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I will propose that the IMPORTANT NOTE be "removed" from the H*E*M*P*Bars mission statement so that any perceived attack on high quality indoor growers and smokers will be removed in order TO REUNITE THE MOVEMENT, removal of the IMPORTANT NOTE - as has often been pointed out - since it was an Feb 2006 addition, would be the simplest, easiest way forward.


Truce? Cease Fire? End of War? Hidden Agenda? read on.



That's a good pledge mate :peace:


There was no war tho eh.. it just seemed, that you guys had turned around from the real battleground, and are taking 'potshots' at friendlies!

The real enemy must love to see that :peace:


The 'hidden agenda' is really just loading more rounds to fire at the aforementioned friendlies = indoor cannabis.


Good luck, and best buds to all :wacko:

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IMPORTANT NOTE: About the IMPORTANT NOTE below, the IMPORTANT NOTE below HAS BEEN added to the mission statement, I repeat the mission statement NO LONGER has the contraversial indoor hydro IMPORTANT NOTE in it.


IMPORTANT NOTE: When we refer to cannabis and marijuana in any of our many webspaces, we are ONLY talking about organic outdoor cannabis. The Nimbin H*E*M*P*Bar, by 'constitutional mandate', champions ONLY outdoor cannabis, we ONLY endorse real hippy pot, totally natural, organic - CANNABIS grown with its roots in the soil and its leaves in the sun. Bush Buds.


The H*E*M*P*Bar does not encourage "non-hippy grown in a city" cannabis to smoked on its premises, we are polite about it, as polite as we are when pointing out the NO alcohol, NO bongs and NO dogs policies. (but keep an eye out for the "Barking Wombats")


till next





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IMPORTANT NOTE: About the IMPORTANT NOTE below, the IMPORTANT NOTE below HAS BEEN added to the mission statement, I repeat the mission statement NO LONGER has the contraversial indoor hydro IMPORTANT NOTE in it.


IMPORTANT NOTE: When we refer to cannabis and marijuana in any of our many webspaces, we are ONLY talking about organic outdoor cannabis. The Nimbin H*E*M*P*Bar, by 'constitutional mandate', champions ONLY outdoor cannabis, we ONLY endorse real hippy pot, totally natural, organic - CANNABIS grown with its roots in the soil and its leaves in the sun. Bush Buds.


The H*E*M*P*Bar does not encourage "non-hippy grown in a city" cannabis to smoked on its premises, we are polite about it, as polite as we are when pointing out the NO alcohol, NO bongs and NO dogs policies. (but keep an eye out for the "Barking Wombats")


till next







Cheerz Bigbong , I notice apon checking your statement that you have changed it. Thankyou.


It's much better , much shorter , but much more to the point Imho.

As for the "Non-Hippy grown in a city" part , Well , It's obviously a better statement than damning "hydro" ..

But Is there some other way to phrase it so as not to single out people in the city? Sorry , Maybe "Non - Hippy poorly grown Indoor Cannabis" .. hmm I dunno , I actually can't think of anything that is a fair replacement for that ..

Disregard plz. :peace:


Again , Thanks for taking all our suggestions and opinions into consideration and changing your Statement to reflect more fairly on what is The truth of the matter. Thx.


Budman :toke:


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