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ok, this is the most common problem in the history of the internet IMO.


those that object to the petty arguing are only adding to the problem by making their own petty, off topic complaints.


if you want the thread to get back on track ignore the shit and make a constructive post with some content!


otherwise you are just acting in exactly the same way as the people you are complaining about, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. :applause:

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" Yeh what they said " and then you cut n paste somone else words :peace:

If you want to be a man and call me a dipshit , fool etc come over to my site and we can sort it out properly don't hide here little boy - your last post wasn't worth the webspace devoted to it

As a long term member of this site I have every right to complain about the quality of your posts so there ner ner :toke:

* Looks for the ignore user on this site button

Budman yes I can read and have read this many times and only pop in when I think the quality is lowering , and once I did make comment lots of editing went on I see :applause:

I'm not convinced by anyones opinions here in fact thats why I have a hard time deciding which way to go , just keep it out of the gutter , I haven't got time to go do some research if some idiot is goin to call me an dipshit for contributing to his net enjoyment - get it ?



:peace:. "If I want to be a man go to my website and try it". Sorry if I insulted you there precious.


Yes my post was edited by me (about 2 minutes after I made it) and there is NO ONE here denying it so WHAT exactly is your point? (you obviously have no point)


As for your claim that my posts contain no content and that I only copy other people. I will now prove otherwise. Here is a copy of every post I've made to contribute towards the debate in this thread (ALL of which have been ignored by Dave and BB from Nimbin, and obviously the likes of you too)




Theres nothing wrong with hydro, as long as you flush the plant for 2 weeks prior to harvest and cure the buds to remove excess chlorophyl (which generally isn't done with bush buds) then hydro is better.


If you guys in nimbin want to grow bush then do it.


Leave the rest of us to do as we please and don't associated criminal gangs with this site.


I'm sure there is plenty of criminal gangs growing huge amounts of outdoor pot as well and I wonder what they put on that?


There are more bugs outside.

More problems.

More nutrients are needed as they drain away quickly.


Why run down hydro weed? Why not just say the positives about your own choosen method and be done with it?


You shouldn't have to justify your own choice of bud by running down someone elses choice which is what you guys are doing on your site.


Any contridictions i've made feel free to correct me but I've said what I need to say.



Exactly. That's what I was trying to say also to Undatoka, is that outdoor crops can be and are manipulated in the same ways as indoor crops.


I was reading over the hemp bar site again came across these statements.


"We are NOT referring to Indoor hydroponic cannabis indica, a genetically modified variant of Cannabis that produces disproportionate amounts of THC in a very short time under very bright electric lights with its roots in chemicals."


Cannabis indica is not genitically modified - that is a blatent LIE.


Plants are BRED, just like dogs, cats, birds, horses etc. As well as all the fruit and vegetable plants that are in commericial production on farms. They are all bred to be stable and produce. Not genitically modified.


"Always try to smoke fresh outdoor organic cannabis, fertilizers are dangerous chemicals and indoor lights just ain't natural."


Bright lights which mimic the suns light (hello?... you dont get sick from certain types of light, unless you have a UV light then you get cancer from being under it)


Chemicals... do you mean the same chemicals that are in the soil? And in the makeup of pretty much all plants in the world? The same chemicals that are found in nature and packaged into a bottle.


Did you know THC is not actually NATURAL to our bodies? It MIMICS a natural chemical produced by our bodies and binds to the receptors in the brain that correspond with it.


Why generalise hydro as being bad when it is not?

Why generalise hydro as being bad when outdoor plants have the same products marketed at them and the same products used ON them?




Why spread lies about the plant you are fighting to be legalised?


Anyway apart from that you guys are good, but I think you should get your facts right!


Yes they do say it's bad.


Why are you making up analogys about a child in front of a TV?


The plant grows in the same way inside or outside it does not matter.


It still uses the same processes to grow that every other plant on the earth uses. smile.gif



These people deserve due credit for their efforts in fighting to legally smoke cannabis but they can't go around spreading lies about hydroponically grown cannabis like this, that is all.

QUOTE(BigBong.org @ Jul 27 2006, 05:41 PM) *


As to whether we are agents of disinformation about Hydro, that has yet to be conclusively proven and there is simply too much evidence mounting against "hydro" for the HEMPBar to endorse Hydro.



You have got to be kidding. You say it has to proven you have bullshit on your hempbar website?


Well here is the proof, as quoted directly from your site.


"We are NOT referring to Indoor hydroponic cannabis indica, a genetically modified variant of Cannabis that produces disproportionate amounts of THC in a very short time under very bright electric lights with its roots in chemicals."





I think you should seriously consider changing around your mission statement because it's a crock of shit as far as I'm concerned. For a pot activist you sure do have a very closed mind towards these things.




If you don't want to ENDORSE hydroponically grown weed, then what makes you think you should make up lies about it to make outdoor grown weed sound better? (When in fact, it is the same plant).

You guys have smoked one too many bongs I think.



I can't believe it.



Can't you just remove the whole entire thing about hydro? Don't even mention hydro, just make the solemn statement that you guys only smoke outdoor.




Instead why not just say "we smoke outdoor because we like like to grow naturally etc."



All that garbage on your site about hydro is bullshit. Please just remove the whole lot. I'm sure it will take you no more than 10 minutes to type up something new and abit more truthful perhaps?


You have no argument as far as i'm concerned.


You have extremely blatent, false information on your site.


You should remove the false, factless, mis-information from your site as soon as possible.


You should think about what has been said in this thread.


Hydro is not bad. Do not make up lies.


Stop lying. Stop publishing false information for everyone to read.



I have seen the new page and it is no better (yes the ctrl+f5 thing didn't work but i'm using firefox so that probably explains it)


Sorry if this post seems abit angry but i can't put it any other way just take it at face value please.


I tend to agree with pipeman also. I think he did a really good job on that revised statement and it makes sense, plus it still lays down the rules for your bar quite well smile.gif.


Hello Wildflower, I agree with you too. The media does go on about potency and THC levels, but the stronger the weed is, the less you smoke. So you're inhaling less smoke.


Your clarification page is a crock of shit, I'm sorry.




You contradict yourselves in that new page so many times.





"Many commercial growers of hyroponic cannabis are unscrupulous and will use what ever they think will help their pot sell or grow quicker."


-The word "hydroponic" should not be there. You should be making a broad reference to ALL commericial cannabis, not JUST hydro. For FUCK sake.





"Genetic modification through breeding is still genetically modified NOT to be confused with genetic engineering, which has dangers yet unknown,"


-So GM has dangers that are known you are saying and GE has dangers which are unknown? More rubbish. Get rid of it. Stop harping on about genetics, you are wrong still.





"And because the cannabis is grown in an artificial environment, pests can quickly multiply and devastate a crop as there are no predators or other agents to control thier numbers. The unwary or unscrupulous might use chemicals that are harmfull, chemicals that could be very dangerous when ingested in smoke"


-And you're saying this doesnt equally apply to outdoor plants too? Give me a break...

-Also, indoor pot is less likely to get bugs in the first place but you failed to mention that. You are BIASED.





"One of the dangers not often expressed and which applies equally to outdoor cannabis"


So you are saying all the stuff above does not apply EQUALLY to indoor and outdoor, but only the bit at the end? BULLSHIT!.




You have read what we are trying to say to you and that is to just remove the whole thing about hydro all together.


Simply make a reference to commericial growers if you feel you guys need to justify yourselves and be done with it.



You also havn't removed the rest of your lies from the original page.


Why can't you just remove the whole thing? You don't have to fill up space on your website you know?


Did you know it is better to have original and TRUE content on your site rather than have a page full of lies and dribble?


Please listen to us and remove your lies and false propaganda from your site as it is detremental to us ALL.




Okay well there you go smartass, there are some of my posts from just the first ten pages of this thread.


So you can shove your little theory up your ass with the rest of the shit.


Also precious, I don't care how long you have been a member of this site. I don't even care if you f**king own this site, the point of the matter is -- YOU and your friends from the HEMP bar are wrong and are spreading lies to the Australian public and anyone else who views that hemp bar site. I will continue to inform anyone of the TRUTH who has been blinded by your LIES until the day I die.


The fact you have been a member since 02 and ive been a member since 05 doesn't mean jackshit to me mate, you don't earn respect by being a member of a forum for longer than someone else fool and it certainly does not exclude you from being involved in this debate precious.


Oh and as for YOU doing research... please... you're only fooling yourself. If you don't want to do some research to contribute to my "net enjoyment" then at LEAST do some research to inform yourself of the truth.

Maybe then you will wake up.


My argument still stands. The NIMBIN HEMP BAR is spreading LIES and MIS-INFORMATION. Two deadly weapons in this war that we are ALL meant to be fighting.

Edited by stonedstump
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I agree ... Hey Stoned Stump .. Do you think that the way you are relating your thoughts to the HEMPBar guyz is helping ... Sorry man .. I know exactly how you feel , But to get a decent response we must be decent ourselves Imo. (But seriously ... I know , Its beyond a joke)...


I'm with Pipeman again ... Rethread this topic now ... Summarize ... and anyone who can't take the heat ... well ... get out of the oven ...



Hey NIMBIN HEMPBAR GUYZ ... START your own thread ... see how many views and replies you get ... Just state what you state very clearly and be sure to confirm said statements with reason o.k. plz ...


This thread is way to long to read thru now ... reading it Is like swimming up shit creek without a paddle , or a boat ...


Bye Now ...


Budman :)

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Dear OzStoner, (and everyone else reading)



They don't want the topic to be on track, they only want to put forward and spread around their biased opinion.


Participating in an intelligent debate with these people is like trying to play I-spy with a blind man.


I don't think I'll be participating in this thread anymore as I feel it is not getting anywhere.


As myself and others have said, all these people want to do is spread around their personal opinion and call it facts.


They don't read our posts, all they do is plug their websites.


I've had enough now, the last 20 pages contain all the answers. All the FACTS. And all the intelligent debates.


If I seem to be coming across as more agressive towards these people than I was at first, well you are right.

I do tend to get abit frustrated when people can't even take the time to read what is being said here and all they do is live in a dream land. Spreading their mis-information.



Yours Sincerely,




EDIT: Hello Budman, I understand what you are saying. I am not posting here anymore and I don't think many others will be either as this is getting no-where, these people are imbeciles.

I have tried giving 'decent' responses, plenty of times, as shown in my previous post.

The HEMP bar does not read them though, just like they don't read anything of any true factual value it seems. :applause: I'm outta here, bye nimbin, bye dave, bye bb, have a nice life.


Ignorance is bliss, hey fellas?

Edited by stonedstump
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Dear OzStoner, (and everyone else reading)

They don't want the topic to be on track, they only want to put forward and spread around their biased opinion.


Participating in an intelligent debate with these people is like trying to play I-spy with a blind man.


I don't think I'll be participating in this thread anymore as I feel it is not getting anywhere.


As myself and others have said, all these people want to do is spread around their personal opinion and call it facts.


They don't read our posts, all they do is plug their websites.


I've had enough now, the last 20 pages contain all the answers. All the FACTS. And all the intelligent debates.


If I seem to be coming across as more agressive towards these people than I was at first, well you are right.

I do tend to get abit frustrated when people can't even take the time to read what is being said here and all they do is live in a dream land. Spreading their mis-information.

Yours Sincerely,


EDIT: Hello Budman, I understand what you are saying. I am not posting here anymore and I don't think many others will be either as this is getting no-where, these people are imbeciles.

I have tried giving 'decent' responses, plenty of times, as shown in my previous post.

The HEMP bar does not read them though, just like they don't read anything of any true factual value it seems. :applause: I'm outta here, bye nimbin, bye dave, bye bb, have a nice life.


Ignorance is bliss, hey fellas?


:peace: could't agree with u more stonestump.

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I was going to post the retard olympics pic but slipped and let my ruffled feathers show instead ( tho warranted I think ) and I apologise for side tracking the thread ( Mul sticks up for his mates , I'm a good guy to know in a war eh )

There has been progress made from this thread , the guys added a bit more clarification to the page and I agree with it knowing it's just their opinion and not hard fact

Thats my stance on that


As for the indica / sative debate I speak for the man in the street who buys a quarter every payday , he doesn't know usually what he is getting and by next week the dealer has a different batch so there is little chance of gettin a chronic anything from smoking weed that way and I haven't seen any hard facts to support the theory that one cause more damage than the other though one is more commonly used in the hyroponic industry and will get the " tall poppy syndrome" from the media


Maybe a poll " Do you agree with the Hemp Bar ? " yes or no would be better as there are so many topics in this one


We all know that smoking weed , ciggies , crack , ice , cow poo wotever is bad for you mmmkay ya lungs dont like it.


What really worries me guys and this is why I will never champion weed grown with chemicals ( indoor hydroponically mainly or outdoor ) is that there has been no testing done on the log term effects of BURNING these trace elements left in the weed

All of the nutes we use for growing are used in the food industry for growing etc ( well so they tell us ) ok and are supposedly safe to eat and people may eat hydr tomatoes or whatever a few times a week , so far this hasn't caused any long term effects but consider this - these are early days and problems may yet be developing - rememer asbestos.......

Also we are not just eating these chemicals - we are burning them and any science student will know that when you heat a chemical it causes a reaction that alters it - it may melt , form a gas , go solid , turn into a new chemical.....

Also most smokers who grow love a smoke so your daily intake of these additonal chems is more than the average punter will eat plus again your burning them.

I'm sure you will harp on that you flush etc but there will always be leftovers in the buds and some people dont flush at all.

Take Monstabud for instance - did anyone ever microwave a bud grown with Monstabud ? It was like placing a piece of metal in there ! small arcs of sparks were hitting it right at the stem of the bud and I have heard the same story several times from a number of people - obviosly some shit was left in there.You could actually see the sma pieces of what I think was aluminium or zinc or some shiny metal pieces suspende in the liquid , if you could see these by eye and they made it throught several flushes then imagine the stuff we couldn't see.

Again you guys will flush your weed good but have a thought for the guy who gets the quart on payday that was grown by the chinese mafia in Villawood in a 3 bedroom house - imagine whats in his weed....

I work in an industry where I come into contact with a lot of nasty chems and when you know how easy it is to ingest nasty shit you might show some concern for your health , I'm talking long term exposure , birth defects etc

An example: A pest control guys wife dies - how ? she never even went to work or near his chems

The pest guy always wore masks and coveralls but come the end of the day his wife would dutifully wash them in hot water copping the fumes off the clothes soaked in chemical overspray - she died after 15 years exposure , the guy is fine.

Ingestion Test: Try this , rub some thinners like toluene , acetone under the bicep area of your arm on the white skin part , now rub some Nutella there

In a couple of minutes if you will taste chocolate in your mouth

How? The thinner removed the fat layer in your skin and the chems from Nutella went straight into your bloodstream

So besides smoking and eating the nutes are you dipping your hands in in too ?


I'm scared honestly I want someone to tell me the stuff is safe to smoke and I cannot take the manufacturers word that it is especially if it is from overseas and tailored for MJ growers - these companies know you won't be suing them unless you want to out yourself and get busted - it's money at the end of the day , it's not Coca Cola we are buying and they do not have to abide by any rule when they import the stuff for legit use - maybe the solution is we petiton the companies that make the nutes to lay down some hard facts and guarrantee we are safe from their products when we smoke them


Thats why I won't back hydro * takes a toke ( hope this shit don't kill me :) )


*Please note this in not an attack on this website or it's members it's just my concern as a grower of indoor who uses various brands of chems and a smoker the same who also cares about his stoner brothers and sisters lol

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