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New Grow light is it a good light

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Ok I got a sick ass light. It is a horozantal light with a built in ballist. Im using 350wt metal halideIts a hydrofarmer. its on 18/6 If the damn thing would grow I would put it on 12 and 12. Its 19 days old. Im going to go flush it just incase. Thanks guys for all the help. I will post a pic of my light mhen it turns on. Has anyone ever heard of this brand before?
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Well my light is a sunmaster 250 but its made by Hydrofarmer i think dont quote me on this one.

Ok well I dont know a whole lot of things about growing but Ive had 2 bad attempts one was male and the other died on my birth day. But the reason I dont think that its growing is because the last ones grew so fast in such a short amount of time and this one is rather slow. But what Im thinking the problem is that These plants have a much bigger pot and as others have said the roots are just takin off. My last pot was a 4in pot this one is 10

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What kind of medium, what kind of growing space, give us all the possible information you can think of.


A larger pot needs less water too, so don't water at the same frequency that you were in the small pot.


A larger pot is generally accepted as being better as it has more space for uninterrupted growth. That said, many small pots can fit in the space of one large one when you have lots of small plants.


Built in ballasts aren't necessarily a good thing. Particularly if you have heat issues, having the ballast next to the light can increase room temps enough to make for unhappy growing.


Got any photos of these lights for us?

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