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ever heard of putting them under pine trees?

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Not sure about the helicopter factor but growing under or near pines trees woulb be difficult, if not impossible. Besides the lack of decent direct sunlight the pine needles dropped from the trees quickly increase the soils acidity (to around 4.5pH or close to it), along with releasing a growth suppressent to eleminate competition. There is now a herbicide that kills plants through dehydration in 48 hours, and it's primary ingredient is pine needle extract, so I'd stay away from growing under pines if you can help it. But if you must you're going to need alot of lime to raise the pH.


- Rhizo

Edited by Rhizo
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If you mean man mate?

Go outside and pick something out 100m away. Now get a pair of binoculars and look at it.

Thats what can be seen from a chopper.


Good advice from Rhizo on growing under pine trees :nea:


If you are going to grow in containers you might grow ok beside pine trees. Still can be seen from the air, but if a big plantation..


Good luck with it! :P

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Exellent advice from rhizo it told me the exact reasons why i dont plant under or near pine , at the same time though if you were considering pine plantation areas for growing , you have to understand that theres is always nice pockets of ground that dosnt have pine on them within the plantation areas etc . You also have to beaware that whilst planting in plantation pine ,younger pines around 16 ft are pruned im not sure of the exact height but they do it to every tree . And some companys use prisoners on work programs hence therel be screws hanging around , your best bets crown land that bordering these areas just make sure its not zoned for planting pine :P
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I used to grow in huge pots under Bunya Pines, in amongst button bush. I don't like to dis-agree with people, but dope sticks out like dog's balls from a height.


I was shown pictures of my plants, just 8 @ around 6 feet tall. They were ready to pull when the pic was taken, and inspite of the fact the plants at ground level looked a very dark green, and blended incredibly well with the surrounding bushes; they actually glowed light green from directly above.


I was astonished at how the colour was so different, and was told it has to do with the sun reflecting on the resin. I can't express enough how bright they glowed, they were fluorescent, really!


Just look at all the resin on heads grown in full sun, and compare Australian native plants at that time of year. Their sap is at a low, while grass is on a peak; I suppose it makes sense. The Bunya tree I grew these under was a lone huge tree in an otherwise bare grazing paddock. The path of the sun was unhindered by the tree, and grew a good few nice plants there, in the comfortable ignorance they were hidden well. But when I saw the pics, it was no suprise why the cops found them eventually. But you have to be above them to get the effect, and they have to be flowering.


Maybe it's why they search so fiercly around head season. I used to think it was just because it was like "action time", perhaps it's just that the job is so much easier while the plants are fluorescing with resin?




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INteresting rob, i was always under the immpresion that dope had a certian heat signature under infra red but this may well be like alot of other myths surrounding our beloved plant , i often ponder this as i also remember seeing a sign pasted on a shopfront window in ninmbin saying how polair was out with the infra red at the moment (only in nimbin :peace:)

but that makes alot of sense what saying about the resin and by the sounds youve seen there own shots, freeky shit there :peace: , yeah at the same time its all hit and miss growing you have to expect something to happen and in your case it was the worse scenario . I often think of some of the bigger bust in western nsw a few years back , the other side of dubbo and mildura they were bigger than a few footy fields in size , it was only per chance that a farmers water supply was being tapped on an adjacent farm that they were even found out on one of the bust , my point is youd have to damned unlucky to get busted via polair or similar , fucken unlucky :peace: that sucks , what was the damamge on that one rob ?

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Sorry naturalmystic, I forgot this thread. And no worries chev.


I didn't get busted thank goodness. The pics were taken by a "freind" who had chartered a plane, and was in the area. He got the pilot to fly over the crop so he could photograph it, so he could tell for his own reffernce what they look like from that height. The bastard is he doesn't smoke, or even grow pot, except for the odd one here or there to "feel naughty".


But the pilot obviously dobbed me, and a few weeks after the stupidity of this mate, the cops were flying way high in the sky. I mean wayyy high. So high they couldn't be identified as cops that's for sure, and so high, that my wife and I dismissed it immediately as no threat due to the height. (if you've grown outside, you understand how you notice every single plane. We hade several small grows in the area, instead of one larger one).


Anyways, just as we dismiss the plane, it cuts it's engine, perfectly, exactly above the plants; but about a mile high or something. Man it was high. IT cut it's motor, and started a spiral circle decline, until it was finally just tree top hieght. It dipped lower than a stand of trees that were nearby, and nearly dragged a wing in the dirt as it started the motor again. It banked so sharp, and so low I could see the pilot as clear as day. By this point I thought he was going to land on our driveway, he most certainly could have. He gained height, circled and flew away. At the closest point, I was as close as a hundred feet away. (30 metres?)


The cops out west don't do busts in their own back yard (their kids have to go to school with everybody elses), and unless it's a big crop, they don't do anything for a single bust depending on the time of year.


Just the same, I burned the whole crop. Man it hurt. They were some of the nicest helthiest buds I ever grew. But my daughter had left me to live with her mother just 6 months earlier, and was comming to stay with me for the easter holidays, starting the next day, and no way did I want a bust happening. Good crops are great, but spinning out one of the kids?


The detectives make a run every month or so around head season, taking the names of people to bust from the local cops upon arrival in each town as they arrive. We sat the next two weeks out sweating, packed up and moved. Growing there was obviously a thing of the past, and that was the biggest cost I can think of. Man it was a perfect place to grow. So long as ya mates don't go hiring planes to fly over ya crops!


That's how I got to see the pics, he snapped them off at 400metres with a SLR camera. I think infa-red, and maybe even heat sesitive equipment would work in some fashion. Infa red has to do with colour, and that's what I'm thinking of. They really glow.

I have no doubt a plane with the right equipment could fly at a very high altitude and "troll" for the right light signature to show up when the plants are in head, shineing their resin in the sun.


I don't know what the policy is now in Nimbin, but when I lived down that way it was a rule of thumb they didn't bother landing the chopper, or taking the cops into the bush for anything under 5 or 6 plants. Another good reason to select a good strain, clone off definate females, and plant in bunches of 5 or so. More work, but it could make the dif between serious strife and not.


As for big crops like you described, I asked a guy once who was rumored to be involved in such things; just how do they get away with it. He laughed saying you have to pay the right people, and I don't think it was a joke. There's so many light air-craft flying around these days, football size crops, or even smaller (but still crazy big) crops are going to be seen at some stage. I think you have to knwowthe right people.



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