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rofl i just tried it, im a rice bong virgin no more. (you only live once, gotta be extreme every now and then)


Ok ...

1) it's totally silent, awesome. No longer have to worry about neighbours hearing that giveaway bubbling sound that regular water bongs make

2) i sucked all the ash into the bong but it didnt get into my mouth so the rice filtered it well, and i didn't suck any rice in, i'm not even sure if that'd be possible

3) i could taste a bit of gluteny aftertaste in my smoke haha. I didnt smoke much but when i poured the rice out it seemed a few grains were slightly tinged from the heat


I think that no matter what dry material you use you're going to end up slightly burning some of it and inhaling it a bit (which is why the other guy who tried corn kernels said it added a popcorn taste), which is NOT GOOD! ... you can probably minimise that by not inhaling so hard, but it still seems better to use something that won't burn like water, or something else that's at least wet. You could try wet rice, but it won't last long and you'd wanna clean your bong within a day or so

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As for getting sick off rice on the lungs , FFS we are SMOKING !!!!!!!!!!

Yeah but some of us just want to smoke the buds not the rice :) (each to their own!)


A longer stem would help (ive just got a small bong), and also if you can find a stem with an S-bend in it that'd help too :)


Another idea - use refridgerated or maybe even frozen/semi-frozen rice instead of room temperature rice, the cooler temperature plus extra moisture locked into the rice (which as we all know is a good moisture-absorbing desiccant!) should help prevent the rice from getting burnt, if only for one session, and because you're only chilling the rice (not making it wet as such) it should be reusable for quite a while

Edited by NotDave
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I just tried it with rice that had been sitting in the fridge in an open cup for 1 hour and it seems a lot better than room temperature rice - it still seems to be just as smooth, perhaps even smoother due to it passing through the chilled rice, and this time i didn't get any gluten aftertaste either


I used the fridge for 1 hour but im guessing you could probably get the same result from 10 minutes in the freezer - just that little bit of moisture and lower temperature seem to make all the difference


Would love to hear other peoples findings

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I reckon somewhere along the line someone got a chinese (purple monkey dishwasher) whisper or just misheard the word ... (Ice) ..


I might be wrong , and probably is ...

But for those who have tried it .. I have a question ... do you inhale the whole cone in one one breath? .. ?? thru rice? .. I would imagine that might be a little harsh on the throat ...


And whats all this and that about 'water vapour' on the lungs from bongs etc. ... i think thats all crap ... joint smokers and pipe smokers get coughs and flus too ... as I'm sure Vape users also do ...

I've had very few 'chest colds' or bouts of 'the flu' over the decade or so I've been smoking bongs nearly each and every day ...



In saying that tho ... excess smoke inhalation is bad for you , no matter what type of smoke .. and can cause difficulties with the lungs ofc. :)

So therefore , the decriminalisation of Cannabis Growing and usage would of course be beneficial to all who partake , in that ..

* Quality and potency would increase , allowing less to be consumed for the desired effect ...

* Enough would be produced so as to be able to be taken orally (i.e. Eaten) ...

* Less 'criminal' convictions would take place regarding recreational and medicinal users , lessening the strain on the 'Justice' System...


and this list , I'm sure could be added to and elaborated on to much extent ...

But ... That should be left to another thread ..

This thread is about filling your bong with rice ... so ... lets discuss that instead ...

And in fear of already having done that ... I run away leaving only a trail of smoke .. :) Hopefully with no water vapour left onboard ..



Seeyou when the smoke clears ... B)


Budman :)

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