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What MEDIUM to use

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thanks for the reply mate


i have found something that is made for these little bastards, but its $180 a kg so way out of my price range (its called Alsystin250 by Bayer) for those interested.


im going to start a new thread now about DWC with no medium


the way I see it, no medium ---- no eggs :) ... I hope  :(




No medium also = no anchor so I would be very very carefull that all my plants didn't just topple over once they got a little top heavy


If your tryign to minamilise the comfort and chance of bugs go for any non soil based medium and allow the medium to dry out compeley between waterings so as to not promote a damp environment for them to live in


the best defence against bugs though is prevention , prep your room , screen any places that intake , set up a few sticky traps to catch any early signs that you may miss on your short visits to the room, and just in general keep yoru eyes on things , if you think you may have an issue don't just hope it disapeers cause they never do , deal with it perminently

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wow I didnt expect so many replies from my first thread :)


i have done a little more research since this morning and have come to the conclusion that I will do this:


continue my 3 plants in soil under light and keep the bugs under control by removing the top layer of soil every 3 days or so and replacing it with fresh soil, also i will reduce amoutn of water being given to the plants i wont saturate the soil which i have now realised was a bad idea in the first place.. ill just water them enough so it drips out the bottom.


in the meantime over the next two weeks i will have my DWC setup ready in an entirely different grow room.


i will transplant the plants over to clay ball DWC after throughly flushing the roots and perhaps even trimming a few off.


i will use DM guardian in the nute tank which is what has been recommended to me by several people so far, as well as setting up a sticky trap (where to get these?) for each plant and several around the room.


Has anyone had experience with clay balls (hydroton?)

Ever had gnats when you've used clay balls?


tell me your stories please :thumbsup






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Never used them my self, well not realy but this will be the 1st time i have used them for a grow as i am doing dwc as well and would like to see the feed back on this as wellm but from what i under stand they have a lot more trouble living in clay balls than anything eale but i could be wrong an that, touch wood it dont happen to me with grow but there is a 1st time for everything...
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