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Germinating methods


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I’ve found my seedlings do a lot better when germinate directly in soil, less handling means less chance of damage to the plant's taproot.

What I do is soak the seeds in plain clean, boiled water for 12 hours prior to planting which will speed up germination. Good seeds will sink, bad seeds will largely remain floating. After this extended soak, I sterilize seeds in a bleach solution (1 Tablespoon of Bleach to 1 gallon of water) for half an hour to kill any fungus residing on the seedcoat.

While waiting I sterilize enough damp soil with heat to germinate all of the seeds by sticking the soil in a microwave oven on high for 2 minutes, while stirring a couple of times and let cool. This will insure that fungus spores have been killed in the soil mix. Make sure the soil mix is light and not packed tight.

You can add a little sand or vermiculite to aid in drainage and weight but I stay away from perlite, it floats out of the mix when watering and takes the seeds with it.



I'm lost from here


Buy some white 15cm tall styrofoam cups and punch holes in the bottom and side for drainage. I use a red-hot nail for this. The taproot should be around 10cm long at the point of emergence. These cups are found at Woolly’s or Coles at the picnic supply section.

Fill the pots almost to the top with your soil mix, take a pencil and make a small hole about 10 to 12 cm deep, NO deeper, and drop one seed in then cover the seed with fine soil, only enough to top up the hole.


;) seem to have gone from a seed to a rooted seed with no instructions in the middle and then the next half of your instructions seem to revert back to the begining (maybe I'm missreading this). Also you say to buy styro cups then fill pots, do you mean fill the cups? I'm lost ;)


Place in a warm spot, around 28C. Do NOT cover the cup with glad wrap or anything else. The seed has already been hydrated from the soaking and will germinate soon. During the first couple of days, mist the top soil surface lightly if needed and never allow the top 15cm to dry out, and not to the point that the medium stays waterlogged which will invite rot and oxygen starvation.

Don’t water anymore until the seedling is up, and only if it needs it at that point, the taproot will grow at least 10cm before the cotyledons (nutrient leaves) emerge from the soil.

The plant's root will look for, and find moisture at the container's lower soil levels.

With good care, this method is pretty much foolproof.


Forgive me if I missread this due to too much :smoke

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that first quote basically said he soaks the seeds in water for 12 hours, good seeds will sink bad will float (unfounded, water gets into the seeds and then they sink ;) ) then while the seeds are being soaked, he nukes his soil to try and kill any nasties that are still alive + he also uses a weak bleach mix on the seeds to try and steralize them too...IMO its a waste of time even trying half of that, if you got the same seeds and just planted them 1-2cm under the soil, watered daily with a small amount of water, the seeds would pop in a few days and grow fine...


second quote just says that they use a small cup from woolies, put a few holes in the bottom for drainage, fill it with soil and use a pencil to make a hole 10-12cm deep and drop a seed in....great method to waste seeds as they dont have the energy required to dig up 10-12cm of dirt, 1-2cm is optimal...


the third quote was fairly good, but if you let the top 10cm of the soil dry out the plant will be starved for water and like buddy said, the roots will go searching it out and fill the pot alot quicker...mind you, while those roots are using a fair amount of energy to grow underground, if you only let the top inch or 2 dry out and then watered, the plants would focus more on growing above ground instead of in persuit of water ;)

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great method to waste seeds as they dont have the energy required to dig up 10-12cm of dirt, 1-2cm is optimal...


Agreed, seeds are perfect at 1-2cms down, just make sure they are covered from dry air getting to them and drying out ur baby ;)


Germinating in soil is horrible Ive found... compared to germinating in a glass of tap water, then transplanting to a 45cent rockwool cube. Check out my grow thread for my germination status. I get 10/10 germination nearly every time and plants grow wayyyy faster than anything Ive seen grown in soil ;)


Enjoy: http://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners...showtopic=11341

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second quote just says that they use a small cup from woolies, put a few holes in the bottom for drainage, fill it with soil and use a pencil to make a hole 10-12cm deep and drop a seed in....great method to waste seeds as they dont have the energy required to dig up 10-12cm of dirt, 1-2cm is optimal...


Yeah WDC thats the part that really threw me, maybe he meant 10-12mm ;)

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