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Identifying strain?

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Sorry I don't have a photo with this post although I do have one on"My miracle grow story" post thread in Indoor mediums and Nutrients section -- but it's not a very clear one due to lighting problems and the vertical lines. It's because my camera is a cheapie and it's difficult to take a decent pic, plus reduce file size - it took about 2 hrs to upload those last pics.


Anyway I thought someone might know just from this description:

As a seedling and in veg state the leaves are a light green and wide. It grew slower, although bushier than the other plants. Now in flower stage it's producing the fattest buds whith long white hairs, lots of white dust and the newer leaves are darker green and thinner (more like the other plants were from the start). The lower leaves and extraneous - not growing from the buds - became even lighter green and began to yellow. I pruned all these leaves, leaving only the budded branches and stem with the buds and thinner darker green leaves.


Whereas the other plants always had the darker thinner leaves grew quicker, but were'nt as dense ie. had big spaces between the buds than that one I mentioned above. The one that I mentioned also has a different smell than the others--not as grassy smell, but more sort of chemical or musky aroma.


Does anyone know what strain it might be -- from that description? I'm really curious, because it looks like a potent, high yielding strain compared to the others.

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Anyway I thought someone might know just from this description


:no: :no: :signthis



It's vertually impossible to identify "specifically" a strain from looking. @ ta plant The 2 or now 3 (like shit). Lets stick to 2 ---- Indica ---- & ---- Satvia ----.


If you want to know which of the 2 do some reading & learning - it's what this site is all about ......oh & helping too :smoke but, the info's here or other forms. :P


As a seedling and in veg state the leaves are a light green and wide.


They r all gren ......... Pretty sure although now I did have a purple one from a seed - a "Nimbin" seed I germed and you get some with purple buds too.


It's a "How long is a peice of string?" question your asking without a pic or some background on where it came from.


goodluck anyways...........................


:signthis :lame:

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Yeah its basically impossible to tell what strain a plant is especially by description, but maybe its a skunk because they put off a strong smell and are kind of like what your describing, but who knows there are way too many strains to be able to tell you the exact one. sorry and good luck.--- Peace B) Edited by *weedman*
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