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First time grow

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ok, I picked up my light and fan today, so I am getting near ready to order my clones, so I need some advice as to which medium to use, setup will be as follows:


Cabinet 1m x 1m x 2m (can be changed if needed)

1 x 400w light

1 x 250mm continuous exhaust fan

1 x oscilating pedastool fan


Will be using White Rhino clones


Will be hand watering


I was going to use soil, as from what I have read soil grown plants taste better.


If soil, what mix is best (brand etc)


If not soil can someone suggest a better alternative, remembering they will be hand watered (plus I know fuck all about hydro)


Now for a couple of off topic questions:


Can clones go straight into final grow sized pots? or should I repot when needed? starting off small


Would a cabinet of this size handle 3 plants?


Any answers would be great as I would love to have everything finished and ready by the end of the weekend, so I can then order my clones.



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Hiya , ill see if i can help at all.

I was going to use soil, as from what I have read soil grown plants taste better

I think that all depends on who you talk to and who grew the buds.


If soil, what mix is best (brand etc)

Again this depends on who you talk to and what is available in your area. There is a thred about which soil mix is the best, you should have a look at that as i grow hydro.


If not soil can someone suggest a better alternative, remembering they will be hand watered (plus I know fuck all about hydro)

I dont think there is alot to know when starting hydro you just need the $$ to get a good PPM meter and PH tester. I use RW cubes and clay balls as my medium i grow in a DWC bubbler, which is just a 40ltr tub with 4 airstones in it and i fit 6 plants in my setup.All i do to water is top the tub up when it starts getting low.


Can clones go straight into final grow sized pots? or should I repot when needed? starting off small

You can do either but the less TP the better in my opinion as it can stress the plant and if you leave it too long the plant can get rootbound.


Would a cabinet of this size handle 3 plants?

It all depends on how you are going to grow them and the strain. My first indoor grow my plants took up all of my grow space, they grew way taller than i had anticipated or was ready for. But threw my next grows i have been trying earlyer flowering and different pruning to find the desired result.

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A very easy and reliable system is Canno coco hand watered in pots.


Medium: 60% coco coir, 40% perlite (this gives nice light mixture but if you want to water a little less often raise it to 75/25.


Nutes: Canna Coco A & B for the whole grow


Additives: PK 13-14 halfway through flower


Optional additives: Rhizotonic (good for seedlings, clones, transplant), Cannazyme (good for root zone health & recovery), a flushing agent (like PsychoBud) to sweeten up the buds in the final week(s).


I got very good results from this system as a newbie.

Edited by resinreaper
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hydro especially bubblers are the way to go for any indoors grow. You cant get much easier then an air stone in a bucket mate :)


Dirt is dirty so leave it outside.


I have recirculating bubblers and agree on the ease... but it could be daunting system to set-up for some newbies (it was for me).


Actually, I am now going back to coco/perlite in pots for a seed round... I am going to miss the bubblers!

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A run to waste system is much cheaper to set up too, I would also add Dutch Master Guardian to your list of additives as it protects against a lot of pests.


As for my views on bubblers/DWC, after the ease of running an automated RTW system that can be left alone for days at a time (can't automate lifting the lights...yet) and using mix-by-measure rather than TDS, DWC is a right pain in the arse for very little gain.



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and using mix-by-measure rather than TDS, DWC is a right pain in the arse for very little gain.

Hey tom what do you mean by this? DWC is the easyest setup i have used yet , only have to top the tank up 3-4 days. There is nothing else to do beside that oh yea and raise the light :)

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Ok, thanks for all the advice, for my first grow I have decided to go with soil, 70/30 mix of premium potting soil and perlite, picked it all up today, and have been building my box out in the shed for the rest of the day.


I'll make this the last post, and tomorrow when I finish the box I will start a thread under the grow diaries.

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