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selecting a new mum

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Hi all a new thread here as i have another question for recent SS White Russian growers, i have 7 female mums under 2 600wt all varied. Have two slightlly shorter more branchy, and have dark purple stripes up main stem, these are the pick of bunch at 9 weeks in from seed. At the other end we have two slightlly stretchy until flowered nodes, with paler stem no stripes, with a slightly sweeter smell. The other three are a mix of both there is one that seems to be equal 50% / 50% one more stripy one less.

my question is FROM experience witch is the fastest finishing/ potent.

SS White Russian is a cross of white widow and ak 47, can anyone that has grown either

pass on estermated grow time as i hear the WW likes an extra week to frost right up true?

so from 15 bean i had 100% germ rate, 5 early[ pre sex males] one late just before flower and one a confused mafie . should i stress these mums for male tendencies? because i dont want to grow out . babies have been taken and are 7 days old look good but no roots yet. has any one out there grown dreamweaver thinking of giving this strain ago next . ozstoners


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its always hard to tell without pics, but at 9 weeks any hermie traits should of shown thru but there is always the potential to throw a male flower right up until harvest, as for which ones are the best to continue the strain, only you can really tell for your conditions for size yeild and potency, the smallest one might give you the stongest smoke, and the one that yeilds best might be weaker smoke, it takes carefull testing marking and documenting, or you can take a punt on which looks and smells best,

harvest time can be varied with serious seeds AK47 i can harvest a very good yeild and potency in as little as 47 days clone, but they can run upto 63days, seeds take a little longer to finish than clones

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thats a good answer from madoga :smoke .......


and i'm in the same sort of spot .


i just took a punt ... picked the 2 i thought looked the best plant ... killed the rest . then you work with these 2 and then it's easy to establish the perfect one . good luck with your choice :smoke

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to select a mum you either have to flower it out or clone and flower those out and then select.then choose yield potency and flower time.bud density and bag appeal if its for commercial purposes.some of the best plants do not look the best in veg and thats a fact.going on looks you may just kill something special.just my 2 cents....
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thanks for the speedy responses, MADOGA i think i may have to flower these kids right out to select the finest mother . EVEREST thanks mate good to hear you have the same delema , do you know what ak 47 or white widow look like or what node spacing is like. INDOORAUSSIE appreciate your input and totally agree with you onlooks during veg, clones really branch out under 600 + watt straight away seeds though tend to stretch, still a novice at seed growing have had reasonable results with mazar bubblegum superskunk bigbud seed,yields have been good but only keept a mazar and a bubblegum for mothers. The mazar is very purple all the time even summer has very good node spacing flowers reasonablly quick with huge cobs easy arm length and as thick as a 600ml coke bottle BUT>>>> has the skunkiest smell a cleaning product sort of smell, also reported by fellow friend growers. bubble gum smells great and is very solid and chunky but i am looking to trade her in as she needs a min of 10 weeks to do her thing .
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do you know what ak 47 or white widow look like or what node spacing is like

check my last diary ak47 from seed, node spacing can be very tight but it dependes on many other factors, from every point of veiw its the best stuff ive ever grown, and among the best ive smoked, whish i got some quality seed from the start.

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thank STONEDAS love your white rhino pics i am asls growing white rhino clones bit diffefent to yours have had it on and off for 4 years rock hard is is undoing some times as i have only had one complete moould less grow iof her. very good yielder if let veg long enough and can crowd main stem so LST or scrog are the go. also i will document these ladies would love to share but need a cam, on my to get list .MADOGA yep i can really so some of my ladies in your earlt veg shots ,. thanks mate
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