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Chamber bongs

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I have been wanting to get a new bong for a wile now and have been looking at getting a chamber bong, because in all my years of being a pot smoker over 20 years now(shit i am starting to show me age B) ) and have never used a chamber bong :P , so this question if for the people out there that have used then and are still useing them, what are the good and bad points of a chamber bong...
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well the biggest advantage im my opinion from what your using at the moment is that you don't get nearly as much water on the lung , the condensation stays in the chamber and begining of the stem on a larger chamber bong , where as with your straight cylinder style the condensation will go in with your hits and end up sitting at the bottom of your lungs


this can lead to a development of asthma, bronchitis or amonia if not delt with properly



Little bongs have the same issue

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Just out of curiousity, are you talking about double-chamber bongs? B)



If so, I would suspect that as well as catching extra tar over a single chamber bong you would be losing some of the buzz due to that fact B) but to be honest, this is pure theory (not basing that off any personal experience) I would also think it'd be an extra pain in the ass to clean those types as well :peace:

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The worst thing i find about chamber bongs is cleanign them.


Half the time you will go.. ah fuck this and just take the second chamber off.


The sweet thing about this is if you are one of those people that cant be fucked cleaning the bong, you can rip off the smaller chamber and most of the time the second chamber will be clean due to the first catching all the bad shit.


The other half of the time you will go to all that effort to clean it perfectly just for that chilled smoke.


And depending on what kind of bong you are buying, i tend to find most of them unstable on the base.


Other than that, they are a nice clean chilled smoke.



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I would suspect that as well as catching extra tar over a single chamber bong you would be losing some of the buzz due to that fact :rolleyes: but to be honest, this is pure theory (not basing that off any personal experience) I would also think it'd be an extra pain in the ass to clean those types as well :blink:


In my experience Amnesiac, the opposite has been true. Because it takes longer to pull through two chambers, I think the smoke goes deeper into your lungs, and is there for more effective.


And yes, they are a pain in the ass to clean.


To anyone buying one - check that the bong itself has enough weight in the base to support the second chamber, or you will have to make a stand for your second chamber. I have a second chamber that rarely gets used because it is such a pain to clean and I'm lazy, and my bong isn't heavy enough to support it. My solution? Buy a new bigger bong!

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I got my mates double chamber for a gram a while ago until my mate accidentally broke it :P


I didn't have it that long really, only about 3 months. I didn't have any problems cleaning it because it never got that dirty. But with the design of it, it would be a cunt to clean if it was left dirty for ages. My advice would be to just keep it clean regulary. Use fresh water everytime you smoke, put it in boiling hot water once a week etc.


The positives...well, having an extra chamber filling up with smoke looks awesome :stupid:

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