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Case update for those with an interest

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As we approach the 403 anniversary of Guy Faulks day this coming Wednesday and we are just a few days from Trial

the circus of the vic legal system continues in style.

Yesterday the Lawyers we had in place,

ordered by the court under a section 360 of the crimes act

application and paid for by Legal aid, to present our case told us

that "The obligations they have to the court due to the oath they have

taken precludes them from presenting to the court the arguments we

wish to present in our defense and that as we are not restricted by

the same obligations may be better off presenting our case ourselves". Cowards, These are the same lawyers who just weeks ago told us we had

the strongest political and legal arguments they had ever seen but

believed that unless we got a rogue jury who decided to throw out the

law we would lose at county court but WIN at high court, but they

were prepared to tell the jury that they the jury could ignore the

judge and find us not guilty on the basis that the law is unjust!


Makes one wonder what conversations

went on in the background to make them suddenly change their minds.


Anyway after careful consideration

Litlltbit and I have decided to go ahead ourselves and to attempt to

get the jury to nullify the law and we are prepared to push the

envelope to get there, but using rational logic and argument and

holding them to letter and spirit of the law not by rambling or ignoring

the jurisdiction of the courts.


Anybody who is in Melbourne on

Wednesday Thursday or Friday of this coming week the dates are 5-7

Nov 2008 and would care to turn up give moral support in this fight would be

greatly appreciated. Alternatively if you just want to turn up to

watch the theatre feel free.



The Details of the Court case are

Queen Vs M &E Pallett

10 am 5 November 2008

Criminal Hearing room


County Court of Victoria

250 William Street, Melbourne VICTORIA



Feel free to approach us in breaks and let

us know you are there.


If anyone else was thinking of giving

any other form of support to the fight now is the time to do it as we

have made the decision to not pay our rent this fortnight in order to

be able to pay the cost of transport/parking/freewaytolls etc to court for the week and be

able to get some lunch/coffee etc while there.


Surviving on the pension is for us likeall others in that boat very tough at this point and the Governments

Christmas bonus will not hit till the trial is over.


The arguments we intend to push include over twenty distinct points of law, Commonwealth and international

that are contradicted by the drugs poisons and controlled substances act of Victoria and show it to be illegitimate.


Grace and Entho have read the brief in full (thanks guys) and

can give comment on the value of our arguments

Nobody who has read the finished brief has been able to shoot holes in it so yet so let us all hope we have got it

right and the nightmare of prohibition ends for ALL.

Once we have lodges the argument with the court and it becomes public we will post

it for all to read for themselves.

Thanks to all from this place that have helped on the way through the long and drawn out preparation for this step of this process. (we are almost two years down the track from the bust, bugger have we learnt a lot or what )


Who knows with luck we may accomplish the impossible and throw out the ratification of the treaty and that

would be a day for rejoicing.


If things go badly Niall will update all on what happens cause we will be... er um otherwise disposed.

matt (lightning)

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Matt as someone who has been through the indignation of having their sanity challenged publicly in court I hope you have a win this week.

My friend Heather has been through the same process, after spending her hard saved pension money as well she ended up with nothing for all her trouble.

I don't say these things to put you off, I say them as this is reality, the law is truly an ass but it is the only ass we have :peace: so be ready to ride the bastard :huh:

Even if you don't get a legal win in my opinion you have won regardless.

Thanks for having a go.

Much respect :D

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Good luck on Wednesday lightning and litllbit


Not suprised legal aid lawyers are taking a step back, if you guys win 70% of drug charges won't be brought before a court and that would have a major impact on thier funding. From the Judge to the beat cop and bent cop they don't want you to win because thier lively hood relies on funding to enforce prohibition.


Anyone facing current charges should get along and witness this and watch the lies of government be exposed in court, then use the same arguements, they will have to accept the truth eventually.


Hopefully the finalisation of my case on Tuesday will be a good omen for you lightning, I will post details Tuesday night (unless they change thier mind and I go and catch up with bubba :peace: )


Can you pm me details lightning and I will donate $25 to help out with lunch and coffee, not a lot I know but hopefully it will help.





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I like to think you are well prepared for this coming encounter and my thoughts and hopes will be with you in these coming days


may you go out and adjourn the courts of despair and bring new light into the chambers of pessimisim

may you be able to rise from the fatigue of despair to the buoyancy of hope in the knowledge that

the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice ...



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