Cannabis Grow Rooms
Information and discussions on grow room construction, lighting, ventilation and security
by fsagertyaef-
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
ok i build the room last night and painted it shoddy job painting but its white its about 5 feet wide 6 feet high and about 8 or nine feet long but heres my problem two of the walls are soild bricck and one of the walls is shitty fake wood walling you know the stuff im talking about i used a nail gun to put it up ill have exact dimentions today hopefully the celing isnt compleatly blocked off sp some heat will be able to escape that way to hell with smell ill take care of that somehow im just nnot to sure how yet but what about fans how many do i need ill be useing house hold fans i can get any 5 that i want as long as there not to much im also going to find 1 inlet fan b…
Last reply by fsagertyaef, -
hps globes 1 2
by godonacid-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
just out of curriosity what type of globes are people using, at the moment im using a 400w son t agro (made by phillips) globe, last globe i used a luchergrow (if spelled right) also used a sun master. the son t is less harsh in light colour and with the panda plastic it gets a pinkish sort of a tone to it. the other 2 where more or less a yellow sort of a light, at the moment like the son t more but what are other people using and what are your thoughts on globes.
Last reply by godonacid, -
- 1 reply
any one here had any thing to do with growing under LEDS, there are a few posts about it in the overgrow froums, and by all accounts they are better than a 1000w hps. they have a varibale coulor spectrm going from blue through to red so you can wind it around through veg to bud. they cost about 2-3 grand to set up (to buy one) but i am thinking of getting a mate to build me one, if any one has any info it would be appricated. the other one that insterests me is that for medical purposes they have made LEDS that emmit pure white light. where on the spectrum is this and what would happen to a plant under white light.
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
ok a friend of mine is buying me a light for my xbox so heres the question what kind of light should i get a 400 thats what i think i need grow space is 7long by 2wide by 8 tall closet grow im using a soil mix but i dont know anything about lights yet this is the next forum i have to read any help would be apreashiated thanks ps specific lights are what i need im not sure where to look or what im looking for :smoke :whistling :reallyexcited:
Last reply by fsagertyaef, -
hey guys i was going to go with a 400w hps light and now im wanting to use flueros to save a bit on the power bill, so when i get enough flueros to produce 400w would i need heat extraction? im growing in a room about 4ft sqaure and 5ft in height thanks for any help!!
Last reply by newguy, -
Hello, I'm just wondering a 120cmx120cmx46cm cupboard could be cooled effectively if running 2 x 600w lights? Cheers.
Last reply by jethroqwalrustitty, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
I'm running a 600W HPS in a wardrobe. I've managed to get heat down to an acceptable level but I still appear to be bleaching the upper leaves of my plants that are directly under the globe. :scratchin I've seen some of those Super Spreaders advertised around(like a V shaped metal guard with holes in it) and am wondering if that is the answer to my problems? Anyone used these or have any experience with them?
Last reply by hardb0iled, -
went to Bunnings today and saw those 48Watt bulbs that Wilderbud has been talking about. They come in a box. They were Nelson Electrics from memory. But at twenty something dollars each I though the 28watt ones for $11 were better value. Once you start paying over $20 plus the added cost of the socket for each compact fluoro you may as well get a small HID IMO. Anyway saw several neat looking wall vent extraction fan units and inline fan units with ducting and louvred vents on each end. There were HPM ones and another brand. The inline fans looked like the centrifugal ones they have in the hydro shops but I couldn't be sure. Anyway they looked nice and perfect to…
Last reply by Hanky, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
what are the optimum lighting cycles for growing :scratchin
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hey how much would it cost to run a 250w light 12/12 and how much for 18/6 because i'm doing a stealth grow and i dont want my parentss to find it. the grow is out in the shed in ajn old wardrobe (only growing in half wardrfobe though) and i need the cheapest light available. i just picked up za 250w HPS and i was wondering how much it'd cost to run it for thoes time lenghts.. thanks
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 1 reply
- 653 views i dont know anything about lighting but it ends in a few hours and its in my price range if it will work is it a good deal or is it a crap light???
Last reply by F420, -
by FlowerPower- 5 replies
hey people I was just reading a hydro book from the eighties, and it has a bit about lps and how they produce light only in a narrow portion of the spectrum (yellow/orange) I was curious as to whether this type of light would be suitable for use with a 400 hps son agro, for the flowering? :scratchin
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hey all im growing in half a cupboard.. and im going to buy a 250w light, and i want to use some 125mm fans <-- basically the same as computer fans right ? i need to knoow if there quiet, as i need the quietest fan ever.. i want to run the fan 24/7 and i need somthing small and quiet.. thanks all
Last reply by cl0n3, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
im ordering the light on friday so it wont get here for a like 2 weeks most likly the problem :scratchin i just had 17 seeds pop on me how it happened:whistling im was using 4 tissues that i got kinda wet and the wrung out maby 50% of the water i could have then i put the seeds in did it 4 days ago just put the tissues in a bag didnt seal it stuck it in a drawer and forgot about it but heres the problem and the question :reallyexcited: :thumbsup what light can i use to keep them alive for two weeks i dont care if they grow that much but i dont want to have to goand buying another light can i use a floresent light i have one of those its about 18 inches long i…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hey im planni9ng on starting 1 plant dwc bubbler in a half wardrbe.. i made a make-shirt carbon scrubber with 2 x 125mm fans. i was wndering, wuld a 400w be t hot for that space ? what if the ballast is outside the grow room ? how much ventilation would i need ? ta
Last reply by quizywig, -