Cannabis Research
Stay abreast of cutting-edge cannabis research. Dive into studies, understand the science behind terpenes, CBD, and THC, and contribute to an informed dialogue.
493 topics in this forum
Mould FAQ
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Regarding mould, this is a FAQ like post taken from the forums of, but I normally won't copy/paste, and just supply the link, but you had to be a member of the forums at to read, so the link will be useless for those who are not registered members with Funny... it's spelt "mold" here... thought it was supposed to be spelt "mould"?? anyway... hope this will be a useful for those who have a mouldy buds and working out either smoke or not the mouldy buds/weed, or even eat or not... I wouldn't anyway, I knew it can be harmful in some cases for years before I stumbled into this post. I thought it was interesting read.... though…
- 0 replies
Well pipeman, smart choise!
Last reply by Ferre, -
Neuroprotective antioxidants from marijuana
by Guest Urbanhog- 4 replies
read this link for those interested: Neuroprotective antioxidants from marijuana. cheers, Urbanhog
Last reply by Tom, -
Smoking pot may hurt baby
by Guest Urbanhog- 4 replies
For Cannabis users planning to have babies, for more information click here I think it's all about common sense, don't use any drugs during pregnancy Urbanhog
Last reply by Kash, -
- 0 replies
REEFER RESEARCH The Vancouver Island Compassion Club Is Doing More Med-Pot Research Than Anyone Else in North America. Philippe Lucas, founder of the Vancouver Island Compassion Society, is working on some exciting research into the effects of medicinal cannabis. In an exclusive interview with Cannabis Culture, Lucas explained that most studies into medical cannabis have been limited to research in test-tubes and on animals. Lucas is working with medical cannabis clubs across Canada to find out more about the effects of marijuana, specifically looking to find how different strains of cannabis affect various ailments. "It has long been known that certain strains are …
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 9 replies
I watched not too long ago on some news that a person that smokes and a skitzo have the same Deficiencies in the brain. Effecting the way we speak, think, and see things... In a Way i reakon thats troo... Cause when im stoned im a different person, Laughing at everything, sometimes seeing shit, doing things more slow, or if im on happy weed, im doin things too fast... Its kind of like the other person, my skitzo side... Just wondering what all yous think about it and to hear your veiws.. Its more interesting then i would of thought.
Last reply by denske, -
- 9 replies
CHRONIC CANNABIS USE CAN CAUSE VOMITING AND COMPULSIVE BATHING 22 March 2002 Abdominal pains, nausea and compulsive bathing are indicators of a newly diagnosed disorder related to chronic cannabis use, according to a South Australian GP. Dr Hugh Allen, who works in the Adelaide Hills, defined cannabinoid hyperemesis or 'marijuana morning sickness' after studying about 15 long-term, chronic marijuana smokers, all of whom had a peculiar behavioural pattern. 'They all smoked marijuana and had for several years had a prolonged history of cyclically vomiting and funny bathing behaviour,' he said. 'They would have a hot bath, jump out, start feeling sick again, so…
- 0 replies
Marijuana's link to hard drug use not genetic 21:00 21 January 03 news service The reason why young cannabis users are much more likely to progress to harder drugs has provoked fierce debate - but a new study of twins has ruled out a strong genetic component. Researchers looked at over 300 pairs of same sex twins, both identical and non-identical, in which one twin started using cannabis before his or her 17th birthday and the other did not. Michael Lynskey, at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri, and his team found that the early user was two to five times more likely to go on to use harder drugs or become dependent o…
Last reply by boulder, -
- 2 replies
Project on Cellular and Molecular Biology and Gene Therapy, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, Madrid, Spain 2 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain 3 Department of Pathology, Hospital General de Móstoles, Madrid, Spain 4 Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA : to read the whole story, follow this link : I must warn ppl with a weak stomach there are pics of tumors on mice in the artikle
- 6 replies
- 2.3k views got it up and runnin thanks stonedas and pipeman for the tips Cheers the other wall PS there one of each here
Last reply by Kannd, -
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
got some interesting "stoned driving reports" and many other medicial reports. cheers, Urbanhog
- 6 replies
[/color] So we all have our personal favs but what is the best strain? The things to consider are : What do what have to do to get the results we all want? The array of strains avaliable to the new user is staggering. What's even more confusing is that you'd be lucky to find two growers that agree on any one particular strain to buy, grow and then (if your lucky) clone. So what does a new grower do? If he or she is lucky to know some-one experienced then they can save years of fiddling and failures( Through little or no fault of their own). How? A clone. Just one. *(Any clone will do as long as it's from a healthy strong strain) Then it get's a bit technical. But this…
Last reply by sols, -
- 3 replies
i was smoking with some mates a couple of days ago and i smoked alot and got pretty bent but then we kept smoking and i managed to smoke myself straight!! i was completely straight after smoking than i ever have before. my friend mentioned that he also smoked himself sober once or twice.. has anyone here had had any experiences like this or are we jus strange!?!
Last reply by Pete,