International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Thursday, 3 September 2009 BBC © MMIX Hemp plants look like cannabis ones, but have little psychoactive effect A triumph for Dutch police quickly turned out to be an embarrassing mistake after they destroyed what they thought was a field of cannabis plants. Police on Wednesday announced they had discovered a plantation of some 47,000 illicit cannabis plants with a street value of 4.4m euros ($6.3m; £3.8m). They had destroyed much of the crop when they were told the plants belonged to a respected school of agriculture. They were a type of hemp, being grown as a fibre for use in textiles. Hemp is related to ca…
Last reply by 420 HELI, -
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This one makes me ashamed to be Canadian By Jeremiah Vandermeer, Cannabis Culture - Thursday, September 3 2009 TAGS: CC MAGAZINE FEATURE ARTICLES HEADLINE NEWS BRITISH COLUMBIA HEALTH MEDICAL MARIJUANA VIDEO Nyle Nagy, a man with full body paralysis and Multiple Sclerosis, was robbed of his wheelchair by his caregiver and confined to bed for legally using medical marijuana. CANNABIS CULTURE - A Canadian care home resident with full body paralysis was confined to his bed against his will after his wheelchair was seized by caregivers - all because he smokes medical marijuana to relieve his Multiple Sclerosis. CHBC news reported yesterday that Nyle Nagy, a Kelowna,…
Last reply by Closet Grower, -
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Pot or not, that is the question. Fifty-one percent (51%) of American adults say alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 19% disagree and say pot is worse. But 25% say both are equally dangerous. Just two percent (2%) say neither is dangerous. Younger adults are more likely than their elders to view alcohol as the more dangerous of the two. Fifty-three percent (53%) of women say alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana, compared to 48% of men. Men by a two-to-one margin over women say pot is riskier, but women are more inclined to say both are dangerous. Unmarried adults are more critical of alcohol th…
Last reply by sirfro, -
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New Mexico’s one medical marijuana producer is all sold out By Marjorie Childress 8/31/09 3:39 PM Medical marijuana signAccording to a medical marijuana patient who has access to the secure Web site of the one nonprofit in the state producing marijuana for patients, the nonprofit has run out of its product and won’t have more available until October. From the Santa Fe Institute for Natural Medicine (SFINM) Web site: 8/28/09 PRODUCT UPDATE We are currently sold out of our inventory. Not knowing what members would like, our first crop was 50/50 indica dominant/sativa dominant. And although we are so sorry to run out, we now know that members prefer sat…
Last reply by ilegalalien, -
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Landmark B.C. study lets trauma sufferers find relief with ecstasy Vancouver therapists get green light to use drug in trial to treat post-traumatic stress By Frances Bula Vancouver — From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Last updated on Tuesday, Sep. 01, 2009 03:34AM EDT Two Vancouver therapists have become the first Canadians to be permitted to give ecstasy to patients in a scientific trial aimed at finding new ways to help people with post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychologist Andrew Feldmar and psychiatrist Ingrid Pacey, with the help of the Boston-based organization Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, also known as MAPS, are recruiting 12 peo…
Last reply by flatcat_auz, -
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Sgt. Northcutt's Post-Iraq Nightmare: Getting Arrested for Growing Pot By Fred Gardner, O'Shaughnessy's Posted on September 1, 2009, Printed on September 1, 2009 Phil Northcutt saw the map of Iraq on the wall and started recalling his time there. He’d been stationed in Ramadi, Al Anbar Province, in 2004. Phil Northcutt: There was this main street, ‘Route Michigan,’ like a 4-lane highway going through town with a 12-inch tall median painted yellow and black. When we first got there you could see big holes in the median. By the time we left, there was no median. It had been blown up along six or seven miles of roadway... There wer…
Last reply by kiloppo, -
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August 27, 2009 By Ty Brennan A recent study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University has some startling results about teens and drugs. In their study, they found that 40 percent of teens could get marijuana within a day; another quarter said they could get it within an hour. In another portion of the survey, teens between the ages of 12 and 17 say it's easier to get marijuana than buy cigarettes, beer or prescription drugs. That number is up 37 percent from 2007. But, local law enforcement says these numbers don't match up to what's happening here in east Idaho. Kim Ellis, Pocatello Police department: "That's something that we're see…
Last reply by sirfro, -
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By Andy Ivens The Province Diabetic double-leg amputee Marilyn Holsten may have lost her life while fighting eviction for smoking medical marijuana at home, but her struggle survives. Supporters of medical-marijuana patients' rights reacted with sadness and anger at the news of her death Aug. 7. They are organizing a rally next Wednesday, from noon to 6 p.m., in front of the Anavets Senior Citizens Housing Society building in the 900-block East 8th Avenue in Vancouver, where Holsten lived for eight years before being told she had to leave. "We're counting on quite a crowd," pot activist Marc Emery said Thursday. "A lot of people who are similarly disabled will be there. "…
Last reply by Geekiator, -
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Marijuana's new high life In June, an estimated 25,000 people attended the inaugural THC Expo hemp and art show in downtown Los Angeles, an event that pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the local economy -- including a $22,400 payment directly to the city of Los Angeles for use of its convention center. Barneys New York in Beverly Hills is celebrating the Woodstock spirit by selling $78 "Hashish" candles in Jonathan Adler pots with bas-relief marijuana leaves; Hickey offers $75 linen pocket squares or $120 custom polo shirts bearing the five-part leaf; and French designer Lucien Pellat-Finet is serving up white-gold and diamond custom pot-leaf-emblazoned wri…
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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Pot-battle double-amputee Marilyn Holsten loses her last fight Heart attack fells woman who contested eviction for smoking pot by Andy Ivens, The Province Marilyn Holsten's last days on Earth were a living hell, according to her sister, Moira O'Neill. In frail health, the almost-blind, diabetic double-amputee was ordered evicted from her apartment because of her need to smoke marijuana to control her pain. Holsten, 48, died earlier this month from a heart attack. "For a whole year, it went on. It was an unbelievable way to treat someone in her health," said O'Neill. Holsten lived in a building operated by Anavets Senior Citizens Housing Society in the 900-block East 8th A…
Last reply by Korozone, -
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By Kimi Yoshino and Richard Winton August 27, 2009 | 11:22 p.m.,1554430.story Los Angeles Times, 202 West 1st Street, Los Angeles, California, 90012 | Copyright 2009 The discovery prompted investigators to search the pop star's mansion for heroin-related equipment. But lab tests found no marijuana, cocaine or heroin in Jackson's system. Rotting marijuana that Michael Jackson's family members mistook for heroin briefly caused detectives to look for further evidence of the illegal drug in the pop star's rented residence during the frenzied 48 hours after his death, according to sources close to the investigation. Family…
Last reply by sirfro, -
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Schizophrenia link to cannabis denied A STUDY by North Staffordshire academics has rejected a link between smoking cannabis and an increase in mental illness. The research found there were no rises in cases of schizophrenia or psychoses diagnosed in the UK over nine years, during which the use of the drug had grown substantially. Pro-cannabis campaigners seized on the results as supporting the legalising of cannabis, and claimed the report had been suppressed. But the leading expert behind the study said it could be too low-key to re-ignite the debate on whether restrictions should be removed from soft drugs. From their base at the Harplands Psychiatric Hospital in Hart…
Last reply by Geekiator, -
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Argentina court ruling would allow personal use of pot (CNN) -- Argentina's Supreme Court ruled Tuesday it is unconstitutional to punish an adult for private use of marijuana as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. The unanimous ruling makes Argentina the second Latin American country in the past four days to allow personal use of a formerly illegal drug. The case in question involved five young men who were arrested for having a few marijuana cigarettes in their pockets. Supreme Court Justice Carlos Fayt, who at one time supported laws that make personal use of marijuana illegal, told the state-run Telam news agency that "reality" changed his mind. Argentina's …
Last reply by Hotbox, -
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By Stephen Gibbs BBC News, Mexico City Page last updated at 21:26 GMT, Friday, 21 August 2009 22:26 UK © MMIX The Mexican government has enacted a law decriminalising the possession of small amounts of drugs, including cocaine and heroin. Mexican prosecutors say the move does not amount to legalisation. They say it is designed to prevent corrupt police from seeking bribes from small-time drug users, and to encourage addicts to seek treatment. The move comes amid a drug war in Mexico that has claimed more than 11,000 lives in the last three years. Those found in possession of the equivalent of four joint…
Last reply by sirfro, -
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Author: JESSE McKINLEY Date: August 21, 2009 Source: The New York Times Copyright: © 2009 The New York Times Company In California Forests, Marijuana Growers Thrive SAN FRANCISCO — Lt. Sonny LeGault and 11 other officers from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department woke before dawn one recent morning, hiked three miles through the woods and just missed the apparently hungry men they had hoped to arrest. “They’d been cooking breakfast: there were a couple of quails dressed out, and a soup going,” Lieutenant LeGault said. “But they were gone.” Those the officers had been hunting were workers at one of the scores of remote, highly organized outdoor mar…
Last reply by sirfro,