International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Last reply by themanwhoinventedmeh, -
- 5 replies
ello all just saw this - 18 March 2010 edit: wasn't paying attn when i posted - was meant for international news
Last reply by sew850i, -
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Loud sex enough for cops to search your home, court rules For Brian McGacken of Farmingdale, New Jersey, an evening of loud sex resulted in a 10-year prison sentence for growing marijuana. On Feb. 17, 2007, New Jersey state troopers arrived at McGacken's home, responding to an anonymous 911 call complaining of screams coming from McGacken's home. McGacken explained the noise was a bout of loud sex; his girlfriend appeared at the front door and corroborated his claim. But officers searched his home anyway, and found enough marijuana -- including potted plants -- to put him away for 10 years on charges of producing a controlled substance. Appealing the conviction, McG…
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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Last reply by Crunchy, -
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Normally i copy and paste articles into the thread but this one has a lot of images and graphs so i recommend entering the link to read the article. link: Peace, Crunch
Last reply by phreakah, -
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Dutch coffeeshops 'on strike' on election day Published on : 12 March 2010 - 8:40pm | By Johan van Slooten Dutch "coffee shops", a euphemism for outlets selling soft-drugs, have announced they are going on strike on 9 June, the day the country will hold parliamentary elections. The idea behind closing for the day is to encourage all those who like to smoke a joint to get out and vote for the parties which will ensure that coffee shops will not be banned in the Netherlands. Nol van Schaik <>, who owns a coffee shop in Haarlem, launched the campaign because he f…
Last reply by Rocker, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Same old shit really... i dont remember reading any talking points from the drug czar regarding prohibition and the funding of crime, i guess its easier to stick to the moral 'save the children' approach >.> source: Peace, Crunchy
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 5 replies
wouldnt it be nice to come home from your holiday and find 4 or 5 ounces stashed in your bags . compliments of the airport . An unwitting passenger arriving at Japan's Narita airport has received 142g of cannabis after a customs test went awry, officials say. A customs officer hid a package of the banned substance in a side pocket of a randomly chosen suitcase in order to test airport security. Sniffer dogs failed to detect the cannabis and the officer could not remember which bag he had put it in. Anyone finding the package has been asked to contact customs officials. "This case was extremely regrettable. I would like to deeply apologise," said Narita Inter…
Last reply by El_Badass, -
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The good: The New Hampshire House yesterday voted 214-137 to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana. The bad: The governor has vowed to veto the bill.
Last reply by Kiweed, -
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- 863 views Schweet! bring it on!!
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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source: Peace, Crunchy
Last reply by chau, -
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Interesting times when 'big media' starts releasing stories like these. I'll kick off with a summary. The full article follows, and is fairly wide-ranging. Summary: "Politicians are finally catching up with the American public" Some good statistics here: A Gallup Poll last October found 44% of Americans favor making marijuana legal (as in outright legal for recreational use), an eight-point jump since the question was asked in 2005. An ABC News-Washington Post poll in January found 81% favor making marijuana legal for medical use. Try to find another political issue with that level of support. Also, * California considering outright legalization of cannabis, …
Last reply by malbuzz, -
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- 975 views march 5, 2010 there is a video on the link aswell.... CHULUOTA, Fla. -- College students suspected in a massive marijuana operation that was busted in Central Florida went to court on Friday. Several agencies busted operations in Orange, Seminole, Lake, Polk and Pinellas counties on Thursday. Those arrested went before a judge on Friday. Drug agents suspect the men were buying marijuana by the hundreds of pounds from a California broker and bringing it to Florida. Before dawn Thursday, drug investigators kicked down doors and rounded up suspects by the dozen -- 31 in all. One of them was University of Central Flor…
Last reply by Budstedpothead, -
- 1 reply
Here is a link to the show I was just on ... couldn't help but poke my face ... oh well ... another one down. Enjoy! Love and a Squish, Alison xx
Last reply by malbuzz, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Last reply by El_Badass, -